The thread was legitimate

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At another forum I go to they can just lock the thread so no more crap can be added to it. That way it's still there but slowly goes to the bottom of the barrel where it belongs and if people don't have enough sense to let it die and start bringing up new posts related to it ,then their posts get deleted. Seems to work alright but the other forum goes a little over board with it sometimes. Although it is theirs to do what they want and is a very popular board AND it is NUMBER 1 a biz. to them.
What puzzles me is how can it be "censorship" in its current bludgeoning narrow-minded reactioanry sence if you are in a privately run forum that states that one cannot write what ever one pleases?

This is not a book burning or someone cutting holes in your private mail :rolleyes: Sheesh, pull your thumbs out of you collective mouths and grow up.

I realy don't put all that much effort into this, though I do appreciate Ken's attempts to make it look so. The one time I did, merging some old threads together, was more bother then it was worth.

I did not pull the Wolfie thread right away, because i thought it may have some marginal profesional value. I gave him the benefit of the doubt in he was actualy wondering how others would react. After it turned into a Wolfie hating thread and the last several posts to it were "please delete this, I did.

So....maybe if a few of the more imature individuals would not make personal attacks in their postings, I wuld not be so apt to exercize that discression that I am given.

I can lock a thread too, but then to delete it i would have to do some work in finding it. Still if I did that, then soem people would just statr anothere thread lamenting the heavy hand of the sensor.
Originally posted by Jock
Alwaes wanted tu sae something abowt the spellin on thees threds, but felt it mite be rood.
The sad part is that I can actually comprehend what you said! Lots of practice I guess.
Need for a Moderator?

To be effective any meeting has to have a stated purpose or agenda to attract the people with interests and knowledge to contribute. There will always be people attracted who only want an audience or in some other way wish to embarrass the agenda. If there is no chairman (moderator) to keep things in line the meeting descends to such a level of confusion and futility that the people who could contribute leave in disgust. Governance by concensus only works in VERY small groups. Individuals or committees have to be appointed that have decision making power or we lose track of what we were about to do in the first place. I am however in favour of rather severe handling of anyone who abuses a position of trust.


Just for the record, as a 'new' arborist it was an enlightening thought as to bringing a bottle up with to let fly in, I would have had to learn the hard way as it was something I hadn't really thought of. So I am glad I caught the thread while it was up. As for removing it for the sake of other folks getting a bad impression.. I think it could have stood as it wasn't perverse, it was a matter of discussion on a legit standpoint.

That's the point, there was really nothing wrong with the thread. I felt the same way about the "Climber Killed" thread. I can't imagine a more relevant topic. No matter how you look at it, that was stooopid.

I too knew a climber that would treepee, and I thought this thread was relevant.

If the moderator only leaves threads he likes, the remaining threads will be pretty monotonous. A forum should continue ahead on it's own momentum, with absolute minimum editing. The odd thread that pops up once in a while ain't going to ruin a forum, heavy handed editing however, could.
So how about this, I will not delete treads intoto if others will refrane from attacking those people who post questions.

As I said above I did feel that the subject had some maginal benefit to the board and left it there for, but too much of it turned into a reason to attack Wolfie.

That combined with the subject mater cuased me to agree with those in dissent.

I will still merge threads, move threads and edit portions.

As for the death thread, I tried to explain why i goofed more then onece, but I guess I'm not allowed to make any:rolleyes:

So from now on everyone needs to give a post the benefit of the doubt when responding and answer it seriousely:Eye:
Originally posted by John Paul Sanborn
So how about this, I will not delete treads intoto if others will

Dont tires have treads? :D Wish my tires had more treads wouldnt have spent 4 hrs today trying to get the truck unstuck. :(
Originally posted by rborist1
The only animal to be caged in Bob's zoo here (and I am not ashamed to admit it)! Thanks for keeping it free Bob. At least I am free for all to see if someone wishes to enter the now infamous zoo.

Here was the response in a forum that doesn't censor:


Conference:<u> Banished to the Zoo</u>
From: Bob Wulkowicz ([email protected])
Topic: Introduction (1/1)
Date: Saturday, December 12, 1998 08:15 PM

Mark Twain wrote a short story about a man idly reading the instructions on the back of his train ticket while listening to the rhythmic clicks of the train wheels as he traveled to the West. "Punch in the presence of the passenger," the small ticket said--and with little else to do, he read and reread the tiny packet of words.

Soon, the text and the sound of the wheels merged into a little ditty that he couldn't get out of his head. I think it went something along the lines of "Punch, brothers. Punch with care. Punch in the presence of the passenger." (That may not be bad, considering I haven't read the story in 40 or so years.)

Anyway, the poor man couldn't get rid of the refrain. The train wheels clicked continously and the song endlessly repeated itself. Driven, he went from person to person, trying to pass it on. At the end of the story, he finally escapesd it--and you realize to your horror, that he got rid of the tune by giving it to you, the reader.

Now Craig is no Twain, but he does qualify as a little choo-choo by being the first occupant of our brand-new Zoo.

I don't delete letters in my forum, but I can ship them out here to the zoo. They still exist intact as free speech, but they're in a new context of fellow curiosities. Since there's no one else here yet, Craig remains a singular curiosity for a while.

His offense was to post a No Topic letter that follows below. Take fair warning note that if you follow the link, you are taken to a semi-addled-less-sense site that captures your browser and forces you to punch OK many, many times until you're released.

No finesse of Twain, these guys. It's a lot closer to sticky toilet paper that won't get off the bottom of your shoe than it is to the gently adhesive transparencies of Clemens. But, maybe it's cute to someone who's pushed a video game button all his life.

So, Craig's letter is now here, looking out from between the bars, staring back at us while we smile in at him. He's certainly free to write again, but he should be aware of the zoo keepers that persist in peeking around the corner once in a while and eyeing him suspiciously.

Perhaps if he had been more literate, perhaps if he had aspired to talk about trees a few times before he tried being funny with a boomers' sense of humour, he wouldn't now be fingering through the food bowl looking for a carrot.

Ah, well. See you next week, Mr. J. Take solace you're not in the petting section

Bob Wulkowicz


From: Craig Jabs ([email protected])
Topic: No Topic (1/1) (1/1)
Date: Saturday, December 12, 1998 04:17 PM

If your need'in a laugh here is a good one, things are not what they seem, so don't worry, be happy!

Originally posted by TreeCo

I'm interested in reading your web site but could not get to the web page.

Dan Nelson

That's very interesting. I just tried to get there myself and was told the host couldn't be found. If this response appears, it would have had to be sent through www.eneract. com and implies something is working.

Maybe I didn't pay my bill. But, it's automatically deducted (?)

Anyway, if you do someday get there; it's incomplete and still in progress--the same state as when I started it up. It's also stuffed with more debris than just trees. Sorry, I'm not a one career guy.

In any case, thanks for being interested and I'll waddle over to see what's fixable.

Just tap on the tree as an egg picture to get inside.

Well, they seem to have blown up and email is also down. This is a bit like being a prisoner and passing out notes through a crack in the bricks.

Maybe, it'll be OK, perhaps I'll wink out of existence.

Just another reminder boys and gals, back up, back up, back up--and not just over the cat.

Last edited:
it's back. email to work later, I'm told.

Some will say, having it return is regrettable. I'm in the business of answering questions that no one has asked. Somewhat presumptious, I'm told as well, but you can decide.

I never did figure out how to put the various links in nice little boxes, so that's still awkward.

Anyway, thanks again for being interested--and do comment or ask, or complain, all are needed in intelligent debate about new things.

At least, I'll try to give a spirited response.

Bob Wulkowicz