The thread was legitimate

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Originally posted by rborist1

It seems as though the single caged creature in your zoo has passed on. The link is no longer valid. So if you are gazing into the zoo cage now, all you will see is a dead animal.

Yes Craig,

Mercifully, the site you planned on leading us to has expired. I checked it before posting the URL, so's I wouldn't be a trojan horse for your once fiendish plot. (Or was it, blot?)

You is still in the zoo; and apparently alive, if your above post is any indicator of relative undeadness.

I wasn't picking on you here, at least no more than usual, but I had intended to have an example for JPS and thuthers who are heavy-handed and beguiled by the power to snuff someone else's words.

Keep writing --and get noisier. Lord knows you need the exercise...

Bob Wulkowicz
Thanks JPS, It was a legitimate question, and just because it was me, people jumped all over it.

Its human nature, and because work sites are often isolated, I thought most people would have had some experience.

I am not facinated by bodily functions, however the urinator in question also takes dumps in the chip truck.

Please, is this common, and no more attacks.

Originally posted by rborist1
We typically use the back of the truck too, but I have been seriously considering getting a "Bumper Dumper" for each of the crews.


Opps........ Sorry, I should have posted this under the equipment category.

Now that is funny. Could it also be a chipper box for bonsai trees? There would be a classicly small margin in that work--choosing limbs for reduction with a magnifying glass and a pair of toenail clippers.

What would a euc man do? Squash them impudent little bastards flat?
"It ain't no hazard tree no more, Harvey."

Bob Wulkowicz
WOW...I just read through all five pages at order anyway...and the only thing I could understand was that Craig peed out of a tree??? LOL

Seriously though, I have the editing and deleting rights over on the chainsaw forum as most of you know, but I wont delete anything unless it is very distasteful...such as links to a porn site(which has happened) I never got the chance to delete lamberts naked @ss..someone beat me to it.....but if I were to receive several (more than the usual complainers) complaints about a particular post, I would probably remove it as well....

Myself, as a sponsor of the site(yes there are a few more), might not want to be associated with certain types of posts...and that is the sponsors choice. So, it is up to Darin and the appointed moderators to make the appropriate choices. 95% of the time they are right in the decision...the other 5%, well...stuff happens...mistakes happen, judgements are marred(usually by alcohol).

Give the moderators a break guys...we are only trying to do what is best for the site....not that feedback isnt a good thing, but a whole thread 5 pages long slamming poor ol JPS??? Prolly not necessary. well......hehe
Out of over a 1000 threads, this one is now in the top 20 for views and replies (both) for sure, for a lil'while now in this 'Pro Care & Climber Forum'. So let's get on to Caring and Cimbing, Pro-se! Cuz, person-ally i think that the statistic is a lil'em-bare-azzing, so to speak, so it is time to let it circle the drain. IMHO. Perhaps proper for another forum of worthy investigation. Maybe trash the pesticide forum with it, they don't use it much, no seriously (who me?), maybe better in a forumn for issues that affect the whole site globally and not jsut this specific section having it's own rules. As far as giving JP a hard time, whom can re-cyst?
I worked for a guy who had a 5 gal bucket with a seat on it. One would have to take a tarp, make a teepee. If you did not use a plastic bag you would have to clean the bucket.

Oh it was the users responability to dispose of his own offal too.
I have my truck on site on most jobs and try to schedule my "movements" before work and durring lunch.

I have knocked and asked the homeowner for use and there is a spare roll of TP in the truck for if there is no other option whilst working in the boonies.A definate emergancy worst case scenario.
I need 3 cups of coffee in the morning before heading out the door. Usually the second cup works. Sometimes I may be a few minutes late to work but I do my best to handle personal matters before showing up for work. If not, I simply try to take it easy and not strain too much until lunchtime.
I cannot remember the last time I needed to break away from a job to use the restroom. Like John, I now have my Ranger on site for all jobs since all my gear is in it. I have had to let others borrow my truck to run to the corner during a job and it's nice having that option.
I've left the job when necessary and I could make it! , gone in the chip truck several times whatever works that is discreet. Once went to dump in neighboring parkland(woods) and had a deer walk within 10 ft. of me with my drawers around my ankles:eek: guess he wasn't expecting me in his hood.
I worked for a company that fired a forman because he went #2 on a customers property. He never would have been found out except the customers dog dug it up and played in it and tracked toilet paper and worse into the house. He should have gone in the back of the truck.
I know a guy who did it in the bushes and the client complaind to him about the migrant labor they had doing yard work. He kept his mouth shut and let them believe what they wanted. Never did it again he said :D

No names, Yah you:p
I'm with TreeCo about the environmental issue. Wish more people gave a sh@t, pun intended.

What does one trip to the 7-11 cost?


Down time

Wear and tear

2-gal. of water for flushing


Global warming

plus what I left out.....add it up for the WHOLE planet and BAM!

I say make like a cat and go in the chip truck :D