so i behaved myself last nite,,in spite of my neighbor,"One Eye *****' Ed",,,(he's a real person), tryin' to ply me with his delicious home made wine,,i was in bed and fed early last nite. Looking forward to a couple, "MONSTER ASH", blow downs on the edge of a field, as promised by my other Pal, Randy, I had saws and fuel loaded and headed out early this mornin'. When I got to "Randys' "Monster Ash", turned out to be a couple of "Monster" Poplar trees. what the heck,,,busted out a "Monster" load of the "Monster Poplar",,and got it split, stacked and ,,,drippin' wet in the wood shed.,,,I guess it'll be better than burnin' snow balls,,,one-o' these days,,,like,,,Memorial day camp fires !!:bang: