The Whining Thread

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That sucks Sam! I haven't lost anything on this one yet (if money doesn't count) and I'll be on to the next one friday. The last one I lost an axe, two screnchs, and busted two axe handles on two seperate axes on back to back days. The job before I lost my chain pouch that I keep on my belt with two chains and a decent camera. That was fun explaining when I got home. I tried to tell the wife it was buried in about 10' of brush back when the leaves were still on em. She insisted that it was still out there and we should look for it. Oh its still out there alright.

Lol, what's really irritating is that is seems to go in streaks. 2 axes, a scabbard, broke off my key-back that I keep my bar wrench on, a chain brake band, a clutch spring, trees imbedded with blasted rock........good God......2 more days! And my ####ing cutting pard put in his last day before heading off to the oil feilds. Just about tramping time!!!! On the phone non-stop once again, lol.
Lol, what's really irritating is that is seems to go in streaks. 2 axes, a scabbard, broke off my key-back that I keep my bar wrench on, a chain brake band, a clutch spring, trees imbedded with blasted rock........good God......2 more days! And my ####ing cutting pard put in his last day before heading off to the oil feilds. Just about tramping time!!!! On the phone non-stop once again, lol.

Where ya gonna tramp to?
If you do your searching down here and find anything with R.E.O. scratched on it I want it back!

Funny logging story that actually ties in. . . It was about a week or two from snowing us out of a high elevation job. The boss lost the gate key on the way out one night, so we spent about 15 minutes looking around the gate post in the snow.

I mentioned my 900 dollar Whites metal detector, and the boss perked up. So the next morning we took a chance and drove up there hoping we'd find the key, if not, we'd be using the wrench key. ;)

Took me about 2 minutes with the detector to locate the lost key and open the gate.

I should have never gotten rid of that metal detector. :(
I had to buy a half rack of quality Ice House beer to get my sunglasses back. The Croaky had stuck to velcro on my cruising vest. I thought I had left them in the pickup. They were prescription.$$$

I resorted to clip ons, until one day the Gypo logger asks me if I was missing some glasses. We talked, he said the rigging rats would only give them back for a trade. So, at 0 dark thirty before going on to work, meeting at the coffee shack, I did the trade. Thank goodness Ice House is cheap and was on sale.

My glasses had survived having timber felled around them.
Where ya gonna tramp to?

"Why yes sir, yesssss sir, come to Kalispell all ye weary fallers, come to the last of the Old Growth havens. Where it never snows, never blows, they all lean downhill, and there's never any layoffs. In the Big Rock Kali mountains you never clean your socks, and little streams of alcohol come a tricklin down the rocks"
Where do things go? Like ink pens. I either have a whole coffee cup of them sitting on my desk or I can't find one in the whole house.

And speaking of coffee cups...why do the travel mugs you buy at 7-11 or AM-PM self destruct? They must because one day they're just gone. Vaporized. Vanished into thin air never to be seen again.

According to the laws of science and just plain common sense, everything has to be somewhere. Is there some kind of cosmic garage sale going on that has all of our lost stuff in it?'s a day off and I have time to think about this stuff....while I'm looking for a pen.
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"Why yes sir, yesssss sir, come to Kalispell all ye weary fallers, come to the last of the Old Growth havens. Where it never snows, never blows, they all lean downhill, and there's never any layoffs. In the Big Rock Kali mountains you never clean your socks, and little streams of alcohol come a tricklin down the rocks"

Damnit Jake! Now I got that song stuck in my head! :laugh:

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Where do things go? Like ink pens. I either have a whole coffee cup of them sitting on my desk or I can't find one in the whole house.

And speaking of coffee cups...why do the travel mugs you buy at 7-11 or AM-PM self destruct? They must because one day they're just gone. Vaporized. Vanished into thin air never to be seen again.

According to the laws of science and just plain common sense, everything has to be somewhere. Is there some kind of cosmic garage sale going on that has all of our lost stuff in it?'s a day off and I have time to think about this stuff....while I'm looking for a pen.

I grew up drinking my dads 8 hours old, thicker than tar, near crude oil, hobo coffee out'a them cups! They were like gold to dad too! He'd damn near cry when one would disappear, or the usual fate of being set somewhere on the exterior of the truck.

He'd say, "Damnit! I just got that cup broke in and seasoned." And by broke in and seasoned he meant never washed or rinsed out, stained black and fermented with old coffee. :laugh: :laugh:
don't know how many times i walk in to the shop and can't find something, 20 trips around the shop still nothing. 3 day's later there it is right in plain sight . wtf . on thoughs seasond coffie cup's i've got a few of them , black no mater how much you wash them.
Oh, and if mom wanted to get back at my dad for something, she'd wash his cups. . . Then play dumb like she didn't realize.

don't know how many times i walk in to the shop and can't find something, 20 trips around the shop still nothing. 3 day's later there it is right in plain sight . wtf . on thoughs seasond coffie cup's i've got a few of them , black no mater how much you wash them.

Fricken shop trolls. . . I don't know why they borrow that stuff, but at least they put it back a few days later! :laugh:
Where do things go? Like ink pens. I either have a whole coffee cup of them sitting on my desk or I can't find one in the whole house.

And speaking of coffee cups...why do the travel mugs you buy at 7-11 or AM-PM self destruct? They must because one day they're just gone. Vaporized. Vanished into thin air never to be seen again.

According to the laws of science and just plain common sense, everything has to be somewhere. Is there some kind of cosmic garage sale going on that has all of our lost stuff in it?'s a day off and I have time to think about this stuff....while I'm looking for a pen.

That's how it is ssocks too, right now we have to go to the laundrymat (thankfully only for another couple weeks) and I swear on a stack of Bibles those machine swallow socks and send them to some linen purgatory. When all the drying and folding is done I usually look at my wife and say " Look Hon! there's only 3 bastard socks this time" ( a bastard sock being one that's lost it's partner)
I think of this every time a sock goes missing. :D

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Yup. We have a "junk drawer" in our house. I think everybody does. It's where all the flashlite batteries, pieces of left over Velcro, extra boot laces, keys that don't fit anything, assorted small hardware, tubes of glue that have solidified, mangled pads of small post-it notes, some pennies, and all the rest of the stuff that seems to gather and multiply in a house with more than one person in it. No category or special place? Into the junk drawer with it.

I can't find anything in it. Ever. I can dump the entire contents out onto the dining room table and sort through it item by item and still not find that hex-head screw or AAA battery or long boot lace that I know I threw in there a couple of years ago. I cuss, and give up, and throw everything back in the drawer. I call my wife. She takes one look in the drawer and immediately identifies and extracts the very item I spent the last hour looking for.

How do they do that?
Yup. We have a "junk drawer" in our house. I think everybody does. It's where all the flashlite batteries, pieces of left over Velcro, extra boot laces, keys that don't fit anything, assorted small hardware, tubes of glue that have solidified, mangled pads of small post-it notes, some pennies, and all the rest of the stuff that seems to gather and multiply in a house with more than one person in it. No category or special place? Into the junk drawer with it.

I can't find anything in it. Ever. I can dump the entire contents out onto the dining room table and sort through it item by item and still not find that hex-head screw or AAA battery or long boot lace that I know I threw in there a couple of years ago. I cuss, and give up, and throw everything back in the drawer. I call my wife. She takes one look in the drawer and immediately identifies and extracts the very item I spent the last hour looking for.

How do they do that?

To a T Bob!! Nailed it! :cheers:

I would die without my wife. . . Just sayin'.
I would die without my wife. . . Just sayin'.[/QUOTE]

or because of her sometimes.:msp_wink: oh , did i just say that.
I'm a newlywed, and prior to our marriage in October '11, I never thought I would rely on someone so much as I now do my wife.

I rely on her to clean the house while I'm out bustin my ass, to have a warm meal on the table when I come home, to wash my clothes even though they aren't in the wash pile "But they have woodchips all over them and smell like gas a bar oil" and to relocate my tools when I'm in the middle of remodelling the house because they were in her way.

Lately, work has been unsatisfactory for me. I haven't looked forward to going to work for nearly 2 months now. It's been steadily wearing on me. It's nice to come home to my wife as she helps relieve my stress. Not sure what I would do without her now.

I wish I could whine about losing equipment in the logging woods. I'd love to take in the scenery.
Lol, what's really irritating is that is seems to go in streaks. 2 axes, a scabbard, broke off my key-back that I keep my bar wrench on, a chain brake band, a clutch spring, trees imbedded with blasted rock........good God......2 more days! And my ####ing cutting pard put in his last day before heading off to the oil feilds. Just about tramping time!!!! On the phone non-stop once again, lol.

Everything goes to hell at once. It never fails. I finished up the job I've been on for the last three weeks today! On the last day of every job so far something has broken that shut me done for several days on the next one. I kept pretending that I would be back tomorrow in order to trick the curse. Well it worked. The last few skids down the hill I had to keep the tires moving faster than I was sliding as I kept my hand on the lever to drop the blade if I really got out of control. It warmed up yesterday and melted the snow that was in my tracks. Last night it froze and then warmed up again. Slicker than #### today. I told the forester about my fun. He said that normally this would be cable skidder territory, but I was already in the area. Basically the hill was a cow pasture and a gravel pit before that. My chains were constantly dull.

Well I'm off to flat ground for a while and some nice fat oaks I'm told. High canopy. Man I can't wait. Just finishing today fairly unscathed has changed my whole perspective on #### again. Logging sure is a roller coaster.
I've lost 2 log tapes in last 2 months. i stopped wearing axe scabbards after I broke my second, now I jam my axe through my belt and the head balances the handle and I prefer it- across the back sideways. It takes 2 hands to put it back but just a second, I think it works better, there's less to break, ann I don't catch the handle sticking up in the air when I have ot crawl through a top or something.

Work today. maybe some Sat. pics.
Hang your tape off the back belt loop.

If you happen to wear a cruiser vest sew an eye at either side at the bottom & flip the tape into the back pocket when not in use.

I HATE walking off the end of a tape.