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Today I welded , the hitch on the dump , kinda was a pain In the ass welding in the heavy wind and a dusty driveway . But I saw a full hairline crack in one side that I believe I got the other day carrying that heavy ass machine and cutter , had my poor truck riding low in the water , and it didn't wanna stop . So anyway I guess bit the bullet of having a trailer go down !
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Snow time!

Removed 5 big white pines today behind the house, small DZ but we murphed em good! Used the bobcat with the grapples to pile the logs which are going to be milled by the owner. Cut them at 10 & 12' lengths. Chips were blown into the woods, we parked the chipper along a goat path type road that goes behind the house. Used my ATV with the plow to clear a path for us. Fun day in the snow! * we got just over half a foot last night*
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Snapped the left front axle off my loader tractor while plowing corn ground. Deere wants $770.00.......choke..........found one on the net for $215.00 plus shipping.

Did I say I love the Internet?
Been kind of lousy for me lately, so I haven't been wanting to post. The storm came through... great. Got a bunch of calls, priced a bunch of jobs.. got hardly any of them. It seems as though everybody and their brother is a tree company right now. While I do have work to do, it's rather depressing to find that a job I bid at 3K+ went for $1,600. A brush pile that I chipped for a landscaper friend, I just found out that even though they called him directly to just get the job done, a dozen people came knocking on their door offering prices. All my friends and I have been complaining about the spanish guys going in and undercutting us, but there has also been one name that keeps popping up. This person will have to be E-L-I-I-M-I-N-A-T-E-D
One of my clients had a BS pine fall at their new house. I had given them a pretty sweet per day rate for general tree work there during the winter... figured 3 - 4 days and it would be done, barring any catastrophies or major add ons. I drove by yesterday and saw that they had somebody else in to do all the work. So much for loyalty. A couple of other jobs I felt were locked in have been done by other people. My chipper has been getting beaten on by all this junk wood, and my patience is growing shorter by the day. Hopefully soon I will get word that one of these hackers will go through a chipper, or fall from a tree and die. Like this people will MAYBE get a clue about who they are hiring, and not to just get the people who are knocking on doors and putting fliers in mailboxes.
We took out 3 big Grand firs on this job and 3 smaller ones. Some headcam up 2 of the big ones, the majority of brush was ziplined, along with lots of messy deadwood which was cut and thrown. The very low stuff below and just above the powerlines was a little tricky....beyond that was straight forward enough. Biggest worry is always the wind....got away with it this time. I had about 7 slings at a time, should have been more really. We had such a steep line angle towards the end that the branches were almost free-falling.

Switch your youtube settings to HD. Volume seems a little low for some reason also.

Lagoon Rd zipline. - YouTube
Been kind of lousy for me lately, so I haven't been wanting to post. The storm came through... great. Got a bunch of calls, priced a bunch of jobs.. got hardly any of them. It seems as though everybody and their brother is a tree company right now. While I do have work to do, it's rather depressing to find that a job I bid at 3K+ went for $1,600. A brush pile that I chipped for a landscaper friend, I just found out that even though they called him directly to just get the job done, a dozen people came knocking on their door offering prices. All my friends and I have been complaining about the spanish guys going in and undercutting us, but there has also been one name that keeps popping up. This person will have to be E-L-I-I-M-I-N-A-T-E-D
One of my clients had a BS pine fall at their new house. I had given them a pretty sweet per day rate for general tree work there during the winter... figured 3 - 4 days and it would be done, barring any catastrophies or major add ons. I drove by yesterday and saw that they had somebody else in to do all the work. So much for loyalty. A couple of other jobs I felt were locked in have been done by other people. My chipper has been getting beaten on by all this junk wood, and my patience is growing shorter by the day. Hopefully soon I will get word that one of these hackers will go through a chipper, or fall from a tree and die. Like this people will MAYBE get a clue about who they are hiring, and not to just get the people who are knocking on doors and putting fliers in mailboxes.

Maybe you could just run them over with Dodge Vader??Just thinking out loud here.. :laugh:
Been kind of lousy for me lately, so I haven't been wanting to post. The storm came through... great. Got a bunch of calls, priced a bunch of jobs.. got hardly any of them. It seems as though everybody and their brother is a tree company right now. While I do have work to do, it's rather depressing to find that a job I bid at 3K+ went for $1,600. A brush pile that I chipped for a landscaper friend, I just found out that even though they called him directly to just get the job done, a dozen people came knocking on their door offering prices. All my friends and I have been complaining about the spanish guys going in and undercutting us, but there has also been one name that keeps popping up. This person will have to be E-L-I-I-M-I-N-A-T-E-D
One of my clients had a BS pine fall at their new house. I had given them a pretty sweet per day rate for general tree work there during the winter... figured 3 - 4 days and it would be done, barring any catastrophies or major add ons. I drove by yesterday and saw that they had somebody else in to do all the work. So much for loyalty. A couple of other jobs I felt were locked in have been done by other people. My chipper has been getting beaten on by all this junk wood, and my patience is growing shorter by the day. Hopefully soon I will get word that one of these hackers will go through a chipper, or fall from a tree and die. Like this people will MAYBE get a clue about who they are hiring, and not to just get the people who are knocking on doors and putting fliers in mailboxes.
Hating and wishing harm to someone is bad karma ,and that will likewise effect you more negatively until you break outta that and start to focus on a new direction to sell work you will be having this same conversation over and over again , and watch who you call "friend" some of them are worst then enemies at least you know how much they hate you !
And treeman if a bunch of hacks are competition to you , then maybe you should move to a different league , I mean if you played sports as a kid or even adult if your get beat by a bunch of scrubs , doesn't that mean that your likewise a scrub ? But here's a thought maybe get to know these Spanish guys , and try to get some work outta them and not from them , I mean I would always see this guy brush loading a f150 and one day I asked him , if he wanted to buy my machine , he said no sorry I have no money saved for that but if you would wanna make a few bucks chipping for me that would work 6 years later I still help him , granted he a complete and total Bafoon , but I can always count on his money being good , just a thought !
First off, my friends and I are not the only ones complaining. I heard that the big outfits are not happy either... they go book a job for the proper rate, line up man power and equipment, right before they go to do the job they find out that somebody else has come in for peanuts. During the regular course of work this is not an issue for the most part... but come on, door knocking during a hurricane? Flyering neighborhoods? Pretty pathetic if you ask me. The party that needs to be eliminated is a long term problem, but will be dealt with shortly... luckily the state has some pretty strict laws about tree care, just a matter of enforcement.

As far as trying to get work from the low lives goes... been there, done that. Worked as a climber for a bunch of them, not worth it. Chip brush? yeah. right.
been way up in the timber

But Im back. Love my job, my country(other then the new president ) my friends and my new Property by the Oregon coast. Love my boss 3G logger and pastor of Bonita church. Love this site and happy to be back. When my buddy herd I was on the content he instantly sent me a ticket for an all inclusive trip to see him in Indianapolis. I brought my gear to take care of some clientele I still have here. And if anybody around the Carmel area needs a climber or anything message me. I need tp get off the ground.