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First off, my friends and I are not the only ones complaining. I heard that the big outfits are not happy either... they go book a job for the proper rate, line up man power and equipment, right before they go to do the job they find out that somebody else has come in for peanuts. During the regular course of work this is not an issue for the most part... but come on, door knocking during a hurricane? Flyering neighborhoods? Pretty pathetic if you ask me. The party that needs to be eliminated is a long term problem, but will be dealt with shortly... luckily the state has some pretty strict laws about tree care, just a matter of enforcement.

As far as trying to get work from the low lives goes... been there, done that. Worked as a climber for a bunch of them, not worth it. Chip brush? yeah. right.
I know that seems like a crazy proposition but is it crazier then wishing someone dead ! I mean guys door knock , there are guys here that I know for a fact door knock , I don't , I always hated cold calling . And door knocking is one of the original forms of salesmanship . So your gonna have to get over that ego thing , because as shiny as your trucks are bottom line your #### must stink as well because there beating you at the game , and you can't complain about the so called rules man , I have been doing this for 14 years and I have managed to raise a family build a house and support my wife who is full time college as we speak , so believe me I have had to swallow pride and do what needs to be done a lot in the past , granted I feel like I have myself pretty stable now , but I know that all can change quick . All I am saying is you can't bring them up to your level , you can only come down to there's or stake a claim where they are not , and of your area is anything like mine that's a feat in itself , so good luck
I did all builder work in 2008 , very little residential work and when housing tanked I had to basically start over again and believe me it was tough , and sobering to realize that the niche I had and lost was a good one , and having to estimate daily a d basically suck someone's $$$$ was tough for me but I mean I am still here and I don't complain to anyone not even my wife ever ! I refuse to put my angst for my life and career choices on someone as a negative thing , I just try to find something that works until it doesn't .
You know what I think? I think the treework is easy.. it's life that's the hard part. Just thinking out loud again.

I'll get back to calling Eddie fat in a bit here... just having a moment. lol.
You know what I think? I think the treework is easy.. it's life that's the hard part. Just thinking out loud again.

I'll get back to calling Eddie fat in a bit here... just having a moment. lol.

I totally agree with that Paul ! Totally . I don't care if you call me fat and stupid with comments like the one above , at least I know that I am being made fun of by someone with at least half a brain and that doesn't bother me as much as a complete moron !

what you are going through is one of the reasons im glad I am in the utility now! I still do "treework" but its at my discretion & I charge...! funny thing is my phone rings as much now as it did when I was full time.

I do miss self employment & at times try to talk myself into going back to it & then........ I smack that stupid self & think what I have now is so much less stress, great bennies, steady pay & I dont have to compete with "hacks", if someone wants me to do a job I tell them straight out....Im not cheap, but I am good & a legitimate biz fully insured!!!

Good luck to all in the tree biz & I hope things clear up & get back to normal, oh BTW: tree work is not easy, yes life is much harder! swindling people for work & not speaking english all the while having no "legal" business doing such is the hard part of this business, you cant compete with people who have a lower standard of living than you do! especially when 10 of em live in the same trailer, its wrong & is ruining this biz & this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not non English speaking guys , there's a few big companies around here that can smoke work with a crane and they blow my prices outta the water , and rightfully so they are 2 picking oaks that would take me 2 hours to do in 30 minutes , and there off like the wind ! And there are a lot of guys that would rather break even and make a few pennies then see that work go to someone else , and that's a practice I fully agree with ! It all depends how long you can carry on like that and if your willing to fully go all in .
During any kind of storm work you are going to get door knockers and guys working out of pickups.
101, you`re right that its not just non english speaking guys doing the work!!! Its mostly english speaking chunks of crap that hire such to work for em that do those quick picks that you mention & yes they`re gone like the wind cause they dont have the proper paper work for half their work force & dont even know what an I-9 form is..........dont wanna hang round to long anywhere!

the other problem is the fresh layed off types or those on extended benefits (handouts) that go out & do it under the table for nothing cause they already have a source of income...... you & I

if ones biz is legit & the workers are legit & all is good.........if they are beating their competitors prices....then yes one needs to change it up, but the problem is this is not the case & it hurts the guy running his operation legally!!

101, you`re right that its not just non english speaking guys doing the work!!! Its mostly english speaking chunks of crap that hire such to work for em that do those quick picks that you mention & yes they`re gone like the wind cause they dont have the proper paper work for half their work force & dont even know what an I-9 form is..........dont wanna hang round to long anywhere!

the other problem is the fresh layed off types or those on extended benefits (handouts) that go out & do it under the table for nothing cause they already have a source of income...... you & I

if ones biz is legit & the workers are legit & all is good.........if they are beating their competitors prices....then yes one needs to change it up, but the problem is this is not the case & it hurts the guy running his operation legally!!

I spent time hating the competition , now I am numb to them I don't care , I just wave and smile now . The true definition of madness is doing the exact same thing over and over expecting different results , only I can put my self outta business , they are just speedbumps to me anymore , or walls when I hit one I just go in a different direction .
And I've also learned to idle my lifestyle buying what I can afford to pay in January , I mean I am a tree worker I don't need a huge house and fancy trucks , I just need a job and one preferably without a boss !
It's not non English speaking guys , there's a few big companies around here that can smoke work with a crane and they blow my prices outta the water , and rightfully so they are 2 picking oaks that would take me 2 hours to do in 30 minutes , and there off like the wind ! And there are a lot of guys that would rather break even and make a few pennies then see that work go to someone else , and that's a practice I fully agree with ! It all depends how long you can carry on like that and if your willing to fully go all in .

I guess that's my problem then... I'm not willing to work all day to "break even." But I'm also unwilling to accept people doing terrible things to trees, all the while parading themselves around as professionals.

In other news, MDS I sent you a PM a while back, are you interested in bringing your bucket down for a few days to work?
I guess that's my problem then... I'm not willing to work all day to "break even." But I'm also unwilling to accept people doing terrible things to trees, all the while parading themselves around as professionals.

In other news, MDS I sent you a PM a while back, are you interested in bringing your bucket down for a few days to work?

How long have you been doing this as a full time profession , less then 5 years because the guys that have been doing this long term , just shake there head and laugh , you can't save the world man or its trees , well not all of them !
I spent time hating the competition , now I am numb to them I don't care , I just wave and smile now . The true definition of madness is doing the exact same thing over and over expecting different results , only I can put my self outta business , they are just speedbumps to me anymore , or walls when I hit one I just go in a different direction .

I was kinda the same way, but I try to get along with most of them. I just dont like them knowing much of my business. When I bought my log loader the word was out and they were talking and searched the internet till they found the truck I bought and a couple even called the place and was asking questions about how much I paid for it. Now that is being nosey and buged the crap out of me. Next time I see him he is going to hear it too. I think a couple lurk here too.
I guess that's my problem then... I'm not willing to work all day to "break even." But I'm also unwilling to accept people doing terrible things to trees, all the while parading themselves around as professionals.

In other news, MDS I sent you a PM a while back, are you interested in bringing your bucket down for a few days to work?

I was meaning to get back to you on that (sorry). Just the mention of pruning and cabling makes me wanna slash my throat.. so I might not be your man for that one. I do appriciate the thought, though. If you get some takedowns, I'd be happy to come meet you and give you a hand!!
I was kinda the same way, but I try to get along with most of them. I just dont like them knowing much of my business. When I bought my log loader the word was out and they were talking and searched the internet till they found the truck I bought and a couple even called the place and was asking questions about how much I paid for it. Now that is being nosey and buged the crap out of me. Next time I see him he is going to hear it too. I think a couple lurk here too.

There are a lot of lurkers here ! But a lot of cool dudes too , I mean honestly I haven't met a bad one from this site yet , a few whackadoos , but honestly who am I too call someone crazy !
I was meaning to get back to you on that (sorry). Just the mention of pruning and cabling makes me wanna slash my throat.. so I might not be your man for that one. I do appriciate the thought, though. If you get some takedowns, I'd be happy to come meet you and give you a hand!!

Or you can dance with him with no pants on , maybe he'll take you for a ride in the dodge vader !
Here's the picture of the day MDS MET TREE PIG