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I was meaning to get back to you on that (sorry). Just the mention of pruning and cabling makes me wanna slash my throat.. so I might not be your man for that one. I do appriciate the thought, though. If you get some takedowns, I'd be happy to come meet you and give you a hand!!

That's fair enough. I'll keep it in mind.
more recently
Okay, Eddie, that's enough internet for today.. time to wash your food bowls and clean yourself up!! :)
It is , now I am getting harassed by rickytree on the sandy thread , so my work is done , take care I am off to put up Xmas lights and point a spotlight at me neighbors house , figured I May as well piss everyone off
We took out 3 big Grand firs on this job and 3 smaller ones. Some headcam up 2 of the big ones, the majority of brush was ziplined, along with lots of messy deadwood which was cut and thrown. The very low stuff below and just above the powerlines was a little tricky....beyond that was straight forward enough. Biggest worry is always the wind....got away with it this time. I had about 7 slings at a time, should have been more really. We had such a steep line angle towards the end that the branches were almost free-falling.

Switch your youtube settings to HD. Volume seems a little low for some reason also.

Lagoon Rd zipline. - YouTube

Nice work Reg, its good to see someone around here able to keep their mouth shut and just do some work... cause lawd knows it ain't me!
There are a lot of lurkers here ! But a lot of cool dudes too , I mean honestly I haven't met a bad one from this site yet , a few whackadoos , but honestly who am I too call someone crazy !

Crazy...MDS and little holden would come to mind, heck they would give Dr. Phill and Springer highest ratings, would make some good TV lol
Crazy...MDS and little holden would come to mind, heck they would give Dr. Phill and Springer highest ratings, would make some good TV lol

Lol!! Thanks for that! And without your (undoubtedly) keen observations, we wouldn't have our collective fingers on the pulse of what Gay Californian tree workers out there are thinking!! Whew!! And that Lovstrom guy sure pulls his own weight too!! I, for one, consider myself both blessed and enlightened (LOL) to know you Homo's!! Just saying, credit where its due, and all!! :msp_smile:

Cough, cough...
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I caved in to my girls today after a long time of holding off on another dog! Bought this little one today, Australian Shepherd. Early Christmas present! She has found a good home! Oh yeah and put the grinder into hibernation today, got more snow overnight and temp is supposed to be below zero for the next week. She's all tucked away for the winter!