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I think he got that liver thing from JPS awhile back. Thats all it is, i doubt he means any disrespect by it. Thats somthing that woulda pissed me off also.

Yeah, that was all. just stuck me as funny.

And I drink like a fish.. most members here know that. I certainly never tried to hide it. not that I'm really proud of it or anything.
I think he got that liver thing from JPS awhile back. Thats all it is, i doubt he means any disrespect by it. Thats somthing that woulda pissed me off also.
I know he did, wanted to say something to him too. Never got along with EX- military types. They dont get artists.
You're either ####ing with me, or you just don't know me too well yet! Shiney happy, lol!

I have never drank when climbing though. That's a bit much.

We're all good though man!

No I dont know you. Im fiesty, I think faster than I talk or type. And drinking and climbing are a bad idea, unless your good or experienced at it. Its in the blood. Id be dead or have a broke back if I couldnt handle it. Ive never had a Dui. How many drunks can say that? Come on, how many. Im not an idiot, I just like to party.:bang: I should stop. I just dont wanna hear that #### anymore. :angry:
This morning we met up, it's drip dropping. Figured what the heck, we can at least go move the wood around on this job we started last week. Get over there, get all the wood moved around by 10:00. Sun comes out, F it let's get the 3 remaining trees pruned out so we can go do something else. Lady comes out, well you're here anyways, let's prune 4 big oaks too. Neighbor comes over, can you chip a brush pile for me? Sure, why not. Backed right up to it, banged it out while my guy blew off the lawn and driveway. This lady is a referral from some friends, but MAN can she talk. Must have lost at least an hour to BS'ing. She says that the people who referred me told her "Don't feed him, he'll never leave." Well by the end of the day I had a promise of brownies for Friday.
Dam Ropes! Got any help? Making some yen?

Well yeah were banging out some work as much and as fast as we can. Me and another service joined in the effort but I ran into all sorts, one we bid was being done by a real estate salesman today. I have seen so many damn part timers and illegals it kills you. Anyway he has a very large skid and sold a lot of work so we are working together until were done. I have some pics but it may be a while before i have energy to upload lol. :cheers: we prolly got 25 to 30k lined up and I have some put on back burner and more calls each day but my calls been slow. I really went on the cheap on advertisement last year. I have more prospects though and it looks like I may have a decent summer if I and my equipment holds up. Lol I had my grapple for sale and a guy calls and wanted it day after storm and I said hell no lol:cheers:
At some point you will realise there is a direct correlation with that swap meet equipment of yours and the attitude you have towards employees. I have had the same four man crew for three years. You get what you pay for, we are booked out at least two weeks and do not have the luxury to work only when the sun shines. We don't get complaints regarding lawn damage. Most likely customers can't take there eyes of the trees.[/QUOT
How do you know he has poor equipment?

I'm the all knowing. You run stihl saws and your ground crew hasn't a clue on how to let a top run after watching that second vid on your web site treeace.. Just another reason you should have a experienced crew.
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I'm the all knowing. You run stihl saws and your ground crew hasn't a clue on how to let a top run after watching that second vid on your web site treeace.. Just another reason you should have a experienced crew.

You need not concern yourself with me. I just wanted to know how YOU KNOW he has poor equipment? Dont change the subject. And I agree that the guy who was running ropes in that video wasn't much good. He couldnt climb very well either.
I know he did, wanted to say something to him too. Never got along with EX- military types. They dont get artists.

No I dont know you. Im fiesty, I think faster than I talk or type. And drinking and climbing are a bad idea, unless your good or experienced at it. Its in the blood. Id be dead or have a broke back if I couldnt handle it. Ive never had a Dui. How many drunks can say that? Come on, how many. Im not an idiot, I just like to party.:bang: I should stop. I just dont wanna hear that #### anymore. :angry:

you are an artist, and a "good experienced drunk climber" and a "jackass" :dizzy:
I'm the all knowing. You run stihl saws and your ground crew hasn't a clue on how to let a top run after watching that second vid on your web site treeace.. Just another reason you should have a experienced crew.

Does anybody else on this thread want to see pictures of Holden's work and Holden's website and his equipment if he has his own business :confused::notrolls2:
Still pouring here. Plenty more in the forecast too. Lots of flooding and road closures from plugged culverts. The rivers are steadily rising as well. Could get interesting. Don't think I'll be working for a few days unless we start getting emergency calls.
I think our little rabble rouser is too busy holden his Mister's wood in the rain like a good boy.

I actually started a response to his rubbish, but what's the point, really? He obviously wouldn't get it anyway, and why help him with that kinda attitude. He'll get his own medicine in due time. Besides, I'm too busy today making more with my humble trusty ol gear than he'll see in a week, rain or shine.

I personally think he's simply just jealous, and tends to over compensate a bit, probably for a lot of short comings. You’ll have that.

What he doesn’t realize, and what’s somewhat morbidly entertaining for what it’s worth, is that with each post he compounds his ignorance. How many of these guys have we seen come and go…lol.

The sad part, even if they are this busy, is that a guy like this is on the loose representing the industry with “McDonald’s drive thru” Arboriculture. Fancy equipment, junk food product, long term health issues that the customer is eventually going to have to pay for.
@ Big Term, I stopped reading his posts. @ slayer, you ok? did one fly over your head? Gettin' scary down there.

4 funnel clouds within an hour of me today and several dead.:msp_unsure:

I'm gonna get busy here. or go to alabama.

left you a phone message,WTF? I'm getting calls in Illinois. got a big stump job for ya, and some removals.
4 funnel clouds within an hour of me today and several dead.:msp_unsure:

I'm gonna get busy here. or go to alabama.

left you a phone message,WTF? I'm getting calls in Illinois. got a big stump job for ya, and some removals.

Bama got slam-ah. Yeah I got message. Didnt you get my text? Ive got stumps all over the place. Cant do any of em'. Im ready to flip a coin and throw Dave at Top Notch the 11-5 for the 38 special. Its a fricken monsoon up here. Cant do #### with my grinder. Im not plywooding stumps. Ef that. Call you in a bit, got one more load of dyed red to go out
4 funnel clouds within an hour of me today and several dead.:msp_unsure:

I'm gonna get busy here. or go to alabama.

left you a phone message,WTF? I'm getting calls in Illinois. got a big stump job for ya, and some removals.

The owner of our company has a good friend in Alabama that has a small tree co,. He is swamped and asked our owner for help. Tomorrow morning I am taking two of my climbers to the airport.
The owner of our company has a good friend in Alabama that has a small tree co,. He is swamped and asked our owner for help. Tomorrow morning I am taking two of my climbers to the airport.

Nice. Let slayer know what level of equipment he has. If it's worth it I can mobilize. I cant touch anything here for weeks. Way to soggy, if it isnt under water.
It was LIVE OAK day here in nor cal. Home owner said it had a 4 ft. trunk, so I brought the 660 with 42" bar...Oh well, it was 34" at the fork...

Home owner said it will only take 2 cuts and it should roll over to the right and be on the ground....ya right!! it would hit the roof of his barn if I did what he said...nope, I used pull saw and rigged it , lowerd those branches down. Branches were about 16" round.

Used the MS261 for the branches..440 for quartering the rounds, 660 for the trunk .......got 2+ cords out of it.



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