whadja do today?

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It looked more like that transformer thingamabob would be more a hassle than that little house drop. If its just that wire you are dealing with the whole thing appears pretty easy.

Its a poplar? Bark was kinda tupelo. Chestnut oak? Hell, I dunno, it don't matter, give them my number, I'll get it out, won't even touch the wire... oh and I'll even dump the stump in the bushes for ya.

maybe they are being pricks about dropping the wire cause they are thinking that it really don't need to be.
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You could have lowered a hundred tops and still have trouble with a top that is over 300 pounds. I will never lower a top that needs more then a wrap and half on a porty. You can go big with tip ties and balance points but if a top needs to be lowered I always go small and go home.

Dude, I lower whole trees over houses. I make money cuts... I put them on the ground quick, fast and in a hurry, in the biggest pieces that will fit. I'm not climbing hourly for the man...
Please, don't let it go to your head. It looks like asplundh and davey meet up for a coffee break with a stolen chipper .That second hand gear could still use a bit of color coordination.

Lol. Good one.

So you're going on your own eh... I can't wait for the pics of your setup! lol. So whatcha thinking, S-10 with load handler, and maybe rent one of them little baby vermeers to start? Hahaha..
Yo MDS did you get any work or damage from the tornados yesterday?

Straightened out the BS with the crane company today, dropped off some saws at the shop to get fixed, went on 2 estimates. Picked up 4 arborvitae at the nursery for 1 client, and another one gave me and the boys a heart attack. Looks like I will be going back to NYC next week to pick up another antique.

No damage from wednesday here. We had warnings though. Finished up with some stumps and topsoil at lightning pace, with those clouds moving in hard. Looked close, but by the time we left, the sun was back out.
We were working and got some larger rain drops for about 5 min or less, other than that just dark skies. Heard that Torrington got hit with a tornado though.
Lol. Good one.

So you're going on your own eh... I can't wait for the pics of your setup! lol. So whatcha thinking, S-10 with load handler, and maybe rent one of them little baby vermeers to start? Hahaha..

One thing is for sure, he'll have plenty of time to make sure that everything color coordinates.

It's time for you to upgrade that "second hand" old bucket truck you've got there anyway. You could sell it to me, I'll catch flak for it, I don't mind, and you can go get you a brand new dark green unit.


Why not grab a hybrid like the city of Champaign, IL. did? You could go green and go green at the same time.

Spotted this tues morning....when I first saw altec's hybrid utility truck a couple of years ago I thought I needed to make a phone call and ask where my forestry version is, but figured surely they already had one on the drawing board. If I could get the 60/70 4x4 version there would be much happiness in the land. I'll let them work out the kinks first, then see how it goes. Meanwhile, your rig will do...:msp_thumbup:
Oh yeah lungs all stopped up already and top top that yesterday sycamore 44 inch dbh:cry:

Hey rope, did you catch my post on how you might kick all this?

Here are some other (legal...lol :msp_wink:) natural decongestants if you are interested, but you ought to take something to clear up those lungs...sounds like some bad juju, be careful.
We were working and got some larger rain drops for about 5 min or less, other than that just dark skies. Heard that Torrington got hit with a tornado though.

That's where I was Wednesday. No tornado as far as I know. Had strong winds yesterday though. Paper said about a thousand outages. Probably just a couple of crap trees went down is all.

Things busy over your way? It's the worst I've ever seen it up here... like tree service ghost town.

Gonna have every piece of equipment I own showboating if up in the center town tomorrow. People everywhere. Hopefully it generates some interest... at the very least it should piss off the competition pretty good! lol.
What you got Super Swampers on the bucket truck? It truly is one of the BADDEST buckets there are, very tactical, looks great. You took the wheel covers off? Looks even better.

Yeah, Super Swampers... for running over the other local treeguys ...should put the chains on too maybe... hmm, when is the next CPTA meeting..

Thanks for the compliment on the truck. Them gay tin wheel simulators been off forever now. I couldn't get to the locking hubs with em on, for one thing (Schmidy's :dizzy:).
today was not a fun day for me... luckily the trees were not to huge but fairly good size, 2 silver maples one 18"dbh about 50' the other a 32" dbh which split into 3 leaders each @ about 16" about 15' up. we had to (mostly me, forman doesn't do too much dragging) drag a little over 300' to make it to the chipper:cry: i cant feel my legs, i guess thats a good thing at this point
plated whack-a-pine..two today, two tomorrow and a bunch of pruning...gotta new groundie for tomorow...if he works out, he's gonna be semi permanent..

got a box of new toys from sherrill...plaaayyy!:eek:uttahere2:
To big of a top, you should of seen that comin not the groundys fault.
Now, that being said, are you telling me that if I put a 2500lbs piece on the rope, you couldnt rope it? I started out with a phyco and I never blasted him out of spikes.
Yep, porty and pulley. I was trying to keep it off of a dogwood, that's the only reason I roped it. I wanted my groundy to just let it fly once it came over but we miscommunicated. Plus we are getting used to using the porty. Not the groundys fault at all. He is a little green but he's a hard worker. He is still with me, I just hired another guy who is more experienced at rope work.

Been awhile since I have worked in large pines. I forget how heavy those suckers are.
Never use a rookie without a real groundie to show him whats up, good way to get killed by a struck by.
They don't call me MDS for nothing son! :laugh:
I think its because you left out the 'E' between the 'M' and the 'D'.
One reason the newbies can't seem to walk straight is that there is just to much to fathom. There really is.

Just last week me and my newbie were standing around watching a bunch of Mexicans trying remove yew stumps with an 80 dollar hand saw. That's Japanese Steel!
We watched them hack at it for awhile, I mentioned to my newbie about all the mud caked up in the saw teeth, about how that sort of thing don't fly and said " I have the same saw, if you do that to it I will use it on you". I thought everything was square on that.

Until today. I said to my newbie, " Newbie, chop out that little root there." The freshly sharpened axe lay within 5 feet on the little root and I thought it would be handled accordingly.

I turned my back for a second and my newbie had walked all the way over to the tool truck and snagged my glistening gleaming Zubat and was going subterranean with it on this dam little root!

Silly newbies. I told him that being yelled at is part of the job... and that we were going up to finish what the Mexicans couldn't next week.

I feel ya man,... all to well. BUT..... This is going to be the best year Ive had in a long time , if I can keep the ball rolling. I live in an area, where there is a lot of work, but anyone whose any good at it does it for themselves. I found the best green horn Ive ever seen, and Im thinking about over paying him so he stays till college starts back up. Any hoo, what did I do today? TOO MUCH TO LIST!!!! I feel like its 99 again, and the economy rocks! I'd still be out bangin, but it was one of those first hot day deals, and I didnt wanna kill the newbie, by making him put in 14+. Do that on a friday he might not come back. 2 very productive and profitable days in a row. so good , I know a motors gonna blow soon, cuz thats how it works.
today was not a fun day for me... luckily the trees were not to huge but fairly good size, 2 silver maples one 18"dbh about 50' the other a 32" dbh which split into 3 leaders each @ about 16" about 15' up. we had to (mostly me, forman doesn't do too much dragging) drag a little over 300' to make it to the chipper:cry: i cant feel my legs, i guess thats a good thing at this point

cry me a river. then thank your self that you wernt under me. Did they at least give you a log cart? If they didnt, get your ass in the office and say, 'why are you doing this the hard way?' 'do you want me to make you money? or just die suffer for you?'