I concur with Duce.
Too hot, too humid, no breeze.
I have been doing some morning firewood deliveries, and loading out a few 1/4 cord pickup orders for campfire wood, but the humidity has put the brakes on cutting and splitting till we get a bit of a break.
Equipment broke down the first week of July and up and running again, only to do 1/2 cord each, on two additional days since.
Bit of a repeat of July last year.
Time to get caught up on other things however, and often at the end of a day, enjoy the beautiful Lake Michigan beaches at sunset in our area of southwest Michigan.
I am also trying something new to me.
I signed up for a class, two nights a week for six weeks, to learn to row in an eight man shell.
Oh... I read a book called Grant, about Ulysses S. Grant.
950 pages and great from start to finish.