Serio Tree Freak
How do you guys think Stihl ultra compares to say the Maxima K2, or Belray H1R?
Ive just always run ultra cause its good oil and easy to get,
Stihl did their home work on the Ultra,,, it works extremely well in their 4 mix moto application due to the excellent luricity, clean burn, with less carbon,,, it also mixes and stays mixed better in the ethanol laced fuels that are common today,, I say it is right there with the others u mention
$$500!!, Id probably do it, thats alot of extra Beer money lol.
Really, Ive never herd of nothing bad with the Saber, and several swear by it.:smile2:
I know Parrisw (AKA Will) from BC swears buy it the Amsoil,, I've been using the Ultra for the last few years, cause I got a gallon cheap,,, but its almost gone, JMHO the lubricity and clean burn is very desirable in any 2smoke application,,

That is an excellent Idea,,, and good on ya for a good post,,, somebody rep him!!! I can't :bang:I'm not about to tell anybody what oil to run. But I can share my own personal results with oils that have worked for me. Ever since Stihl introduced the Ultra synthetic my OPE has been run run with a pre-mix of Ultra at the recommended ratio, with one ounce per gallon of Klotz Super Techniplate added. My top ends have stayed clean as a whistle.
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