My Wife LOVES Cedar.
I don’t consider it a long burn wood, and sure don’t go out of my way to fill wood sheds with it.
But Cedar has some redeeming qualities, it has got to be about the Best kindling wood that I have ever used, it Smells GOOD, and Seasons Fast.
We had 3 large Cedars taken down from our yard, I kept some for milling projects, and about 1.25 cords became firewood. Better to make BTU’s than Bills out of it, paying to have it hauled away.
We burned it while watching TV, and were around to load the stove more often, burned it rather than the Better wood, when it was convenient to. It burns a bit quickly, but puts out decent heat, and burs very clean, with very little ash.
We don’t see much hardwood around here, my Wife’s cousin gave us some well seasoned Black Walnut, I have no idea where it came from, probably a yard tree, I will take Cedar over that garbage any day. It didn’t seem to put out any more heat than Cedar, didn’t seem to burn much longer, but the ASH

, OMG, that stuff seemed to produce a greater volume of Ash, than the volume of wood loaded into the stove, I would take cottonwood over Black Walnut in the future, and that is sayin something, I’m no fan of Spongewood