ArboristSite Guru
I had to look up balm of gilead. After just a first few searches it appears to be just another type of Cottonwood.
The mushroom naturally occurs....Herricum Ramosum....Lion's mane is included in the family. Looks like white coral and there is nothing even remotely similar that is poisonous....Tastes almost like scallops to meBalm of Gilead- it is a species of poplar. The buds are sticky compared to cottonwood Did you seed the mushroom or did occur on its own?
All of the poplars are hardwoods. Hardwood comes from deciduous trees, softwood comes from conifers.Green wood and soft wood. Poplar included too.
But it does "burn like hardwood" because that's what it is. There is a vast difference in firewood quality between individual species of hardwoods, just as there is between different species of softwoods. Saying that something "burns like hardwood" without specifying what kind of hardwood is like saying "drives like a car" without specifying if we're talking about a Maserati or a Toyota Corolla.I’m aware, Doesn’t burn like hardwood though.
Burns like the junk it is, Happy?But it does "burn like hardwood" because that's what it is. There is a vast difference in firewood quality between individual species of hardwoods, just as there is between different species of softwoods. Saying that something "burns like hardwood" without specifying what kind of hardwood is like saying "drives like a car" without specifying if we're talking about a Maserati or a Toyota Corolla.
It's pretty simple. Trees with leaves are hardwoods. Trees with needles are softwoods. Really has nothing to do with how "hard" the wood itself actually is, or how well it does as firewood.I didn’t know poplars were considered hardwood. One time I found 2 Cottonwood rounds, about 24” diameter and about 3 or 4 feet long. Me and another guy picked them up by hand and loaded them in the bed of my truck. It was a bit of a struggle but wouldn’t have happened with pecan or oak. I guess maybe they are “less hard” hardwoods.
+1 for Cottonwood/ Dogwoodcottonwood