I’m sure that there is worse than Cottonwood/Spongewood, but it is the worst that I have experienced.
Yep, Spongewood burns just fine when properly seasoned, it doesn’t leave much ash in my experience. The trick/challenge with Spongewood, is getting it seasoned, I have found, at least in my area, it MUST be completely protected from the weather, it will absorb any moisture it can.
Spongewood will dissipate moisture quickly in a Hot, DRY environment, we get Hot, Dry summers here, and if CSS by June, it can be ready to burn in early fall. BUT, if it isn’t protected from the weather, it will absorb enough moisture to make it unburnable .
We have 8 (or more) months of cool, damp weather, and if left exposed to the weather, it will become Stinky

🗑 Garbage in short order, and Spongewood can get to smelling pretty bad, when wet and rotting
I have burned Spongewood, but it isn’t something that I look for, and is a choice of last resort

This is probably the last Spongewood that I have burned, January of 2017, this Big Spongewood was a Hazard tree taken down, around the corner from our home. It was CLOSE to home, and even more importantly, it would have cost the HOA to have it hauled off, and in the end, you know who pays for that. It was better to make BTU’s out of it than Bills. That fall, it heated our home, and saved the better wood for the winter months
Not many, but there are a few situations in which I will take Spongewood