2101xp/ top all time muscle saws!!!!!!!!!!!

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ARRRR!!! 2dogs!

Most saws come with a single set and those are usually dogs. They work better if they are close to the bar, on many saws, that means being on the case. The closer to the center is better, in my mind. Dogs are there to give you some grip and keep the case off the wood. Spikes are a whole 'nother critter, they aren't just bigger dogs. Besides the obvious need to hold on thick bark, they sit lower, providing more leverage needed for long bars on big saws.
The Master had dedicated bucking saws with bucking spikes. When Ray told me to fetch a bucking saw, it would have spikes like these.

Falling spikes are single sets, for that pivot thing.


This Super 250 has spikes from a CP125. I last used it in big second growth Redwood, the bark is soft and fairly thick. The problem there was driveside cover breakage, too much side to side leverage, plus the fact I often set them like Capt. Ahab.

Hey Randy!

I think I'm going to refer to the 9-Series Homelites as The Master Series from now on (in honor of your friend/mentor Ray of course).:cheers:
Another 2100

Was just going through Ebay, and saw a pretty clean 2100 on there. Bid price was pretty good considering what some of them have been going for. so just for shiats and grins I bid on it. Seller decided to close the bid early and I won it. I need it like I need another hole in the head, so not sure how long I'll hang on to it?????????? One of these days I'll have my daughter help me with pictures:msp_unsure:
Pioneer 650

VINTAGE PIONEER <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i6C1oz9dRvM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

VINTAGE HOMELITE <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EHBLIOMruRY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The 2101 is ready to cut wood. After I verify that it's running as it should, I'll tear it down for a thorough cleaning. I'll also be replacing the crank seals and a few gaskets. It looks in the IPL as though both crank seals are the same PN, 503-2602-05. Is that correct?
My favorite muscle saw. 394, ported, fresh rings/seals, carb kit, anything else it needed. Father in law gave it to me, using it when he crushed his leg. Ended his falling career. It's so nice now I can't bear to bring it to work. I'll beat on the Stihls instead - Sam

View attachment 193508
Anyone have a 36" roller nose in Husky mount they'd want to sell? I need a bar for this thing. The longest I have is a 28" and it's the new Techlite bar for my 372. Should I got 3/8 for .404? Whatcha think?
Homelite zip cutting

ZIP <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/TB8RAXUZce8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Falls SilverKing AH-81 powered. 131ccs. Had a 1/2" chain on a 32" bar when we picked it up. Waiting on a top end to refreshen this ol beast.
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Vintage Chainsaw Collection

CHAINSAW COLLECTION <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YEy5G4D-Sz4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Anyone have a 36" roller nose in Husky mount they'd want to sell? I need a bar for this thing. The longest I have is a 28" and it's the new Techlite bar for my 372. Should I got 3/8 for .404? Whatcha think?

Don't have a bar for you, but .63/ 404 is nice. Durable.
Christ! Been trying to get on for the last @$%^&^& Hour. Slow site what's the deal? Randy, don't get frustrated. You are the real Mcoy. I was lucky to tag along with a real timber faller like you, and then become best friend's with his son. Learned a hell of alot. Met them in 87, you have a great point about spike's, and dawg's. I run into a very mixe'd bag of cutting, so I prefer two. If I was production falling I would consider trying the one. I like your'e info, post's, and pic's, and consider you a friend, and hope you feel the same. What's up Aaron how are you like a pic of the 750 up here LOL! Joe, that's awesome about the new saw, you want to part with it let me know. Love to see a pic! Brad if memory serve's me well yes both seals the same. I am glad she is going! Great stuff. I have all 3/8 for what I need, but combos Sam mentione'd shiat that saw is more than adequate! Truimph79 I think welcome! Thank's for the friend request! All great pic's my friend's I love keeping this thread alive, because it is real, not newbie or new wave just real saw's real guy's, real muscle. If I knew how to sticky I would do it. All muscle threads should stick!
That's what I was thinking. Big saw, big power, big chips.

I'm thinking maybe this bar, LINK, and this tip, LINK. $74 isn't bad for a 36" .404 bar. Top it off with 104DL of WP chisel chain, LINK.

I'd go for that. Nice set up for a stumping saw. Going to be hard to beat that price.

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