661 Oil Test 32:1 vs 40:1 vs 50:1 ?

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Most of them have very little run time on them as they are hobbyists.
And expiereance AS members. I have been here longer than most on this thread and have more expiereance with all kinds of two cycles to boot.
Would you recommend racing oils like H1R and Motul 800's for Hot saws?
Here's the piston
I can't see anything
Most of them have very little run time on them as they are hobbyists.
And expiereance AS members. I have been here longer than most on this thread and have more expiereance with all kinds of two cycles to boot.
If you're so knowledgeable please show us some of your work oil god. Mr.Iwasherefirstandthatmakesmeright
you've posted over 200 times on this thread. Zero evidence on any of them. Don't you have anything better to do?
Red; your inquiry convinced me to change oils, and all I have are stock saws. I'm using Lucas right now. When it's all gone these two just came in the mail, and I'll go with them. H1-R looks to be a lil more oily than does the 800.
Thanks again for your endeavors.
Chainsaw oil.jpg
In all seriousness I don't really care about any of the hoopla here. I'm not bothered by certain people's opinions either. I'm really just poking at bwalker because he's yet to state his qualifications beyond being on AS since 2002. If he were qualified and could provide proof of building saws his thoughts may carry more than 6 pages of posts.
I'm still reading along waiting for someone to say why H1R is not a great oil.

I've read that it is not........but have read no reasons.

It's time to explain maybe?
No one can. It's one of the best oils on the planet. I think I've settled, for now lol, on 800 2T, H1-R, and Mobile 1 2T if I can get some. I've got a friend trying to hook me up. Obviously, money is not in the equation for using these oils. For someone that's burning a LOT of fuel, I MIGHT choose a different oil. That oil might well be something like Yamalube 2R or Baileys Full Synthetic. They are fantastic oils, but I simply cannot believe that they are superior to these others. Needed? Maybe not. Better? Absolutely.
Greater film strength means more protection. H1R, Motul 800's, and R50 have those qualities. Their Spec sheet data means something. Also, my muffler never has oily residual in it. I'm tuned to 13.5K and pushing over 210psi in a 90cc saw. When I look inside my cylinder there's a difference with Motul 800 off-road and Stihl hp ultra. I'll stay with Motul. I'm sure H1R and R50 are excellent also.