I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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Yup, there's a 1074 pioneer on ebay right now listed as rare.

They only made about 2 million of them in different variations. I must have 15 or more, most of them would probably run...
It started at $1000 or $1200. I posted a pic a couple of weeks ago. He told me $110 was the bottom dollar. He also said he was not going to spell Stihl correctly because "if you know about saws, you know what you're looking at" I don't think he is playing with a full deck.

The "not playing with a full deck" thing is worrisome. I have a friend that's a sheriff's deputy, I think I'ma wait till he's available to go look at that thing. That way there are 2 armed people going. 2 is 1 and 1 is none.
The "not playing with a full deck" thing is worrisome. I have a friend that's a sheriff's deputy, I think I'ma wait till he's available to go look at that thing. That way there are 2 armed people going. 2 is 1 and 1 is none.

So, then......the motto "An Army of one' really is based on a falsehood.....??......:msp_unsure:
I've seen McCulloch PM610/605/3.7/Etc saws listed as "vintage", "rare", and "muscle saws".....:laugh:

They aren't bad saws and seem to have a lot of low end grunt. But the only muscles involved are the ones you need to haul the overweight sucker around all day. The weight of a 066 with the proformance of a 039.......
So, then......the motto "An Army of one' really is based on a falsehood.....??......:msp_unsure:

That marketing/recruiting campaign made no sense. The "Army Strong" campaign is much better.

The "not playing with a full deck" thing is worrisome. I have a friend that's a sheriff's deputy, I think I'ma wait till he's available to go look at that thing. That way there are 2 armed people going. 2 is 1 and 1 is none.

That's sensible. I've had the hair go up on the back of my neck when going with a CL seller and his 'friends' around back to the barn where the saw is. Why the heck didn't you bring it out front? Luckily, all was well. I made sure they knew I was watching them and kept my back to the wall. Still, better to have someone else watching your back while you're checking out a saw. I've pulled 'security duty' on more than a few CL and newspaper classifieds ad trips over the years. Having a CCW is like owning a pickup. You know you'll be called by friends in need...:msp_unsure:

They aren't bad saws and seem to have a lot of low end grunt. But the only muscles involved are the ones you need to haul the overweight sucker around all day. The weight of a 066 with the proformance of a 039.......

Never said they were bad saws (although I'm not a fan). Just laughed at them being called "rare", "vintage", and "muscle saws". They aren't any of those things. Weight of an 066. Performance just north of an 029...
The "not playing with a full deck" thing is worrisome. I have a friend that's a sheriff's deputy, I think I'ma wait till he's available to go look at that thing. That way there are 2 armed people going. 2 is 1 and 1 is none.

For $110 you can have this


I don't know if that's worth the trip. For what it's worth I never felt in danger when I was there. :)
So, then......the motto "An Army of one' really is based on a falsehood.....??......:msp_unsure:
That saying, 2 is one and 1 is none is a small unit tactics saying.
For $110 you can have this


I don't know if that's worth the trip. For what it's worth I never felt in danger when I was there. :)
The way he has it listed 50 times in 4 different areas set off my scammer radar. I've gone to a few places for stuff off craigslist that REALLY weirded me out. That saw's worth about tree fitty. :D I do believe I'll pass on that basket case.

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