I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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It's cool Aaron, I will not be sharing anymore saws here.

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It's cool Aaron, I will not be sharing anymore saws here.

I have purchased 2 saws here in Minnesota that I would not have known about if another A.S. member did not post them in this thread.

To me, good deals on saws have a short life on CraigsList, and if you are not going to buy it, somebody else is going to, and you might as well let another A.S. member know about it. Might be different on eBay where an A.S. member could have a bid in and is hoping that it does not get a lot of notice until the auction ends several days later. Of course, some of the time it is an A.S. member who is selling the saw on eBay, and is hoping to get as much notice as possible. Goes both ways.

I have purchased 2 saws here in Minnesota that I would not have known about if another A.S. member did not post them in this thread.

To me, good deals on saws have a short life on CraigsList, and if you are not going to buy it, somebody else is going to, and you might as well let another A.S. member know about it. Might be different on eBay where an A.S. member could have a bid in and is hoping that it does not get a lot of notice until the auction ends several days later. Of course, some of the time it is an A.S. member who is selling the saw on eBay, and is hoping to get as much notice as possible. Goes both ways.


I disagree. Sometimes we're not able to hook up with a local CL seller until the next day due to work schedules or other conflicts. Local CL markets are a much more limited area of exposure than feebay. If a CL ad is posted here, there is a MUCH greater chance of the seller being inundated with out of state calls. What was a low value 'junk' saw in the seller's mind now becomes something "rare and valuable". Often times the CL seller doesn't want to deal with an out of state buyer........but their mindset regarding negotiations is still altered. I know of instances wher an out of state AS caller has 'educated' the seller regarding the worth of the saw.......and poisoned a deal.

That ALMOST happened to me with my McCulloch 650 gear drive. Luckily, I happened to check CL before going to work my night shift. Because of that I spotted the listing a few minutes after he listed it. While I was at the seller's house, somebody posted the listing in this thread (unbeknownst to me). The seller's phone was ringing nonstop. We'd just made the deal.......but I could see in the seller's face that the calls were making him feel like he'd been taken (even though I paid just under his asking price). I heard him mumble something to himself about how he 'should' have asked more for the saw. Got home and checked the thread. Sure enough, somebody had posted the listing...
If you wanna post CL listings from your own area......well then knock yourself out. Why dig for deals in some far away area just to see the "race" that ensues?
Jonsered CS-2186 Turbo chainsaw

This is local to me but the pawn shop is known for pricing stuff really high. I have seen this saw in person and it was very clean. The picure doesn't do it justice.

Just not sure if there is any meat on the bone in this deal:msp_confused:

I have no interest in it.
CL has been the source of my best saw scores. I benefitted from sellers who either A) Did not provide a very extensive description or B) Posted no photos or C) Posted 'vague' photos.

In all these cases, I was the first (and usually only) caller they had heard from.

On the flip side, I've purchased a few saws out-of-state off CL recently that were practically in other AS members' back yards. These members were happy to package/ship to me (yes, they said I did suck!) and I placed no pressure upon them. They knew that I had access to the same info they did ..

I have also posted findings on here, both found on CL and eBay. Not for my benefit (to drive the price up), but to make our AS membership aware of the opportunity.
The issue wasn't "looking" in this thread Matt. I'm quite sure that Jonathan has never posted up CL listings from areas several states away....

What is the point of this thread Aaron.
I have grabbed saws from 20-30 states and at least 2 other countries!
Recently I helped out a fellow member pick up a Contra GS that was just 45min south of me.
Then I sent it 2 states south.
If people think there is some kind of area owner ship to CL then let me be the first to inform you it is available to any one with a internet connection.
This thread and CL was set up to point out and sell products.
If your work-school schedule doesn't allow a person to pick up a saw 10 minutes from your home, that is life.
Coming on here pouting you missed a saw is sad.
If you hunt saws and haven't missed out on a couple sweeties, then you haven't been hunting long enough!!

It's cool Aaron, I will not be sharing anymore saws here.

Don't let that stop you from posting good finds!
Sad some ones wants to blame a person for doing what this thread is title!
Wow this thread has certainly taken an interesting turn. By the title, anyone who sees anything on Craigslist anywhere should be free to post IMO. Yes, this thread gives, but it also takes away. Sorry it works that way. Those in the PNW I understand that you all live in an area that is just a total hotbed for large cube vintage saws. But then again, many of you are on this thread all the time. I live in an area where there aren't any saws....... No reason to claim my "territory".

I honestly read this thread for the comraderie and humor mostly, but maybe once or twice I have been pushed in the right direction. I have posted some decent finds occasionally. (Even got Leeha a saw on a post of mine once...)

I am all for people posting saws that are out of territory, but that is just me.

Heres one for you guys to fight over:hmm3grin2orange:

Me thinks dad got thebetter end of the deal on this one:laugh:

Ohh Aaron spelling alert;)
What is the point of this thread Aaron.
I have grabbed saws from 20-30 states and at least 2 other countries!
Recently I helped out a fellow member pick up a Contra GS that was just 45min south of me.
Then I sent it 2 states south.
If people think there is some kind of area owner ship to CL then let me be the first to inform you it is available to any one with a internet connection.
This thread and CL was set up to point out and sell products.
If your work-school schedule doesn't allow a person to pick up a saw 10 minutes from your home, that is life.
Coming on here pouting you missed a saw is sad.
If you hunt saws and haven't missed out on a couple sweeties, then you haven't been hunting long enough!!

Don't let that stop you from posting good finds!
Sad some ones wants to blame a person for doing what this thread is title!

Why throw the "pouting" and "sad" language in here? If what is going on here doesn't bother you, then sit back and enjoy it Matt. Don't #### on us because we dare to state our opinions however. What is the purpose of this thread? Why ask me? I didn't start it. Guys are free to post what they want in here. However, WE ARE DAMN WELL FREE TO SPEAK OUR MINDS ABOUT WHAT WE THINK ABOUT what folks post in this thread. We have NEVER said that anything "should be done" to stop/regulate what guys post here, or that this thread should be closed.

It's obvious that some people have differing moral/ethical beliefs regarding this whole thing. You guys have stated your opinion (with needless insulting "pouting" and "cry in your cereal" wording added). Anytime we state our opinion regarding ebay deals or CL listings, it's greeted with that kind of crap (so long as our opinion is contrary to what others think). Gotta belittle our opinions if they differ from yours I guess....

Yes the CAD thing can be competitive. Some of us here aren't out to undercut our friends that we've made here (or profit from them.......as another AS member who I've recently "gotten into it" with does). The relationships/connections are more important than the CAD scores for some of us. It'd be no fun for me if the whole thing was about trying to one-up the other guys. Our beef also doesn't have to do with "area ownership" (whatever the hell that means), but the COURTESY of NOT undercutting each other. Common courtesy is overrated for some it seems. I'm not ashamed of ANY ebay, CL, or "in house" saw/parts deals that I've made here. What'd be the fun of getting a 'big ticket' saw score if I felt I'd done something "shady", or that I'm worried that OTHER guys here will view as shady???
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Here's something for you Mark (or anyone in Minnesota):

Poulan Chain Saws & extra chains - $50 (Dayton MN 55327)

For Sale: Pair of 16" Poulan Woodsman Chain Saws, One with brand new chain installed & 3 extra chains for sharpening. Needs carb work, currently won't stay running, no time to mess with it. Handyman Special. Also includes another similar Poulan Woodsman 16" Chain Saw with one chain (not runnning) for parts . The chains alone are worth more than what I am asking for the whole works. $50.00 firm call Bruce 763-567-8691.

Poulan Chain Saws & extra chains


Heres one for you guys to fight over:hmm3grin2orange:

Me thinks dad got thebetter end of the deal on this one:laugh:

Ohh Aaron spelling alert;)

This dude paid $250 for a mini mac. I got a lot of stuff I'd like him to make me an offer on.:msp_mellow:
Why throw the "pouting" and "sad" language in here? If what is going on here doesn't bother you, then sit back and enjoy it Matt. Don't #### on us because we dare to state our opinions however. What is the purpose of this thread? Why ask me? I didn't start it. Guys are free to post what they want in here. However, WE ARE DAMN WELL FREE TO SPEAK OUR MINDS ABOUT WHAT WE THINK ABOUT what folks post in this thread. We have NEVER said that anything "should be done" to stop/regulate what guys post here, or that this thread should be closed.

It's obvious that some people have differing moral/ethical beliefs regarding this whole thing. You guys have stated your opinion (with needless insulting "pouting" and "cry in your cereal" wording added). Anytime we state our opinion regarding ebay deals or CL listings, it's greeted with that kind of crap (so long as our opinion is contrary to what others think). Gotta belittle our opinions if they differ from yours I guess....

Yes the CAD thing can be competitive. Some of us here aren't out to undercut our friends that we've made here (or profit from them.......as another AS member who I've recently "gotten into it" with does). The relationships/connections are more important than the CAD scores for some of us. It'd be no fun for me if the whole thing was about trying to one-up the other guys. Our beef also doesn't have to do with "area ownership" (whatever the hell that means), but the COURTESY of NOT undercutting each other. Common courtesy is overrated for some it seems. I'm not ashamed of ANY ebay, CL, or "in house" saw/parts deals that I've made here. What'd be the fun of getting a 'big ticket' saw score if I felt I'd done something "shadey", or that I'm worried that OTHER guys here will view as shadey???

I hear ya buddy. Two sides to every story. BTW it is spelled "shady", lol.

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