Well did you? Then start it up.
Don't you worry.... I most certainly did remember the impulse line! Now that would be a rooky mistake....Just put the choke on and off and see if it works.
Now I got to ask did you remember to put the impulse line on the underside of the handle-airbox assembly?
Patience please... still got probs with chokeWell did you? Then start it up.
Then I must be a rookie I forget them myself when in a rush. Start it up.Don't you worry.... I most certainly did remember the impulse line! Now that would be a rooky mistake....
Is the master control lever in the run position? The arrow on the orange pointer should point to IPatience please... still got probs with choke![]()
When you have a bunch of them apart at the same time sometimes you do.I'm sure you're not a rookie! I guess you just rush stuff sometimes...
No, it's ok now, my setup was correct first time.Still choke problems ? Explain in detail.
Well should be interesting.No, it's ok now, my setup was correct first time.
I mistook the vid on youtube. All is good now, have just done the filter base.
What I'm doing now:
0. More coffee
1. Air filter
2. gap the ignition
3. clean the petrol tank, change the fuel filter
4. try starting if it's not... tea-time!!!
I'll keep u posted!
Good newsWa-hey!
To satisfy mine (and lone wolf's) curiosity, I rushed the final stage of the rebuild. I'd already cleaned the tank and I'll do the fuel filter change another day.
So after gapping the ignition (following the "business card" instructions), I fuelled it up and took down to the back garden to try to start
After 7-8 pulls I got the gorgeous cough, 2 pulls later she fired up!!!
Ran for a couple of minutes, and it idles, and restarts just fine. We did film it on wifes phone but the result of the bluetooth transfer was useless, so I can't share with you guys (yet!).
We are trying to transfer to youtube right now, but not really too confident 'bout that. But who cares! The saw starts!
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone at AS who's helped me with this, my first chainsaw rebuild from the ground-up. Would have been a lot harder without your help!
thanks again
And here's the living proof!!!
Hi guys
Well the parts turned up today. I've not done the installation I just looked at the tools, and I'm a bit puzzled. Firstly the mounting (installing) sleeve only goes a fraction of the way up the shaft:
View attachment 431321
I'm not sure that I see the use of it... since it does not reach the horrible shoulder just before the housing. Could it be that it's purpose is to pre-open the seal lips so that when the seal reaches the shoulder they have opened up a bit?
Also with the pressing sleeve:
View attachment 431323
there's a weird stub/lump at the end. Anyone know what that is for? Also does anyone know if I'm holding it the right way? The other thing I found weird about this tool is that it's internal diameter seems a lot bigger than the shaft, so I can't see how this thing is really any better than a decent socket.
Does anyone know how these tools are supposed to work, before I break something again!
Any advice, explanations, much appreciated.
WRONG TOOLSWait for our friend Pantelis I think he has those tools I never used them.
CARB CLEANER , MILD PRESSURE AIR, when you put the cover at the needle side , conect your pressure pump and then tight the 4 screws if lost the needle lever is up.Hey folks,
Sorry, I've not posted to this thread for a couple of days. Well I got the side handle transferred to the new top handle. I went ok, till I decided to test that the on/off function of the switch was working right before throwing it back together. It wasn't. I checked with the multimeter and it looked as if it one of sprung things wasn't contacting the pin in the shaft quite right... It took a bit of messing around, I eventually put the old shaft, onto the new housing before I was happy with it's working. Well, perhaps, I just hadn't reassembled it properly after the side handle change, I dunno, anyway, it's ok now, and now I could probably strip and reassemble that housing back together in my sleep!
The next "interesting" part was getting the intake boot back through housing. But yeah, I got some string round it and managed to wiggle it through in a couple of minutes.
Well it almost looks like a 200t again now. The next job is to clean the carb. I've got me:
1129 007 1062 (gaskets/diaphrams)
4116 121 5100 (needle)
1123 121 7800 (strainer)
so I'll look at doing this, maybe tomorrow.
Do you guys know if methylated spirits (alcohol) is ok to clean the carb, or should I only use neat gasoline? I've no "carb cleaner" spray, and I don't really want to buy any right now....
Yeah, man! Having this wealth of experience (from AS) certainly helped!It's always fun when you rebuild a saw over the Internet from an ocean away ....
And here's the living proof!!!