New seals, and case halves re-assembled. Now what to do. Maybe paint?
New seals, and case halves re-assembled. Now what to do. Maybe paint?
New seals, and case halves re-assembled. Now what to do. Maybe paint?
Hey Brad,
Congratulations on a GREAT find.
Congratulations on a GREAT find.
Yep, he out sniped my $95 %&%$%#@!&*(%*!$@!%^$&^%^!@!%. If you don't understand what that means I'll translate in a PM!!!!!!
now how'd I know you were buying that?!?
Honestly, I don't really know what I've bought. I just know it's very unique looking and is in EXCELLENT condition. Different is goodActually, I just wanted to rejoin the Poulan Club and thought this a neat old saw.
They are a paying sponsor. I wont state their name until they have a chance to reply. I have no doubt we will work it out. The P/C they sent will fit, and is in decent shape, just not what it was supposed to be.
I hope it works out OK. Let me know if it don't.
He emailed me back and offered a full refund, and he replied quick! I was impressed enough I said I would just keep it for a spare, or someday rebuild the incomplete 3400 I have. I asked for his blessing to post his store (in a positive way), and waiting on his response. Typical arboristsite fashion, he handled it very well!
I might have a 3700 topend from a member here. I would LOVE to find the elusive 4000 top end for it though...:greenchainsaw:
Any advice on tuning a saw that hesitates when you pull the trigger?
The manual for my 3400 says to turn the idle screw richer if it hesitates, so I did, and that ended up with fuel everywhere. Should I lean it out a little. It'll go but it just hesitates a little bit. Could it be slop in the throttle linkage?