Pioneer chainsaws

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JJ's Pioneer

Heh JJ
Any chance you could post a picture of your 1850 on the Pioneer thread.I would love to see it in the Flesh so to speak
Hey Jerry -

I'm pretty sure most of the paint shops around here have scanners and can mix custom for me no problem. What kind of paint did you use for yours? And what primers/clearcoats if any? I'm rather new to painting and don't want to waste a whole bunch of money on the wrong stuff. Thanks in advance.
Pioneer spec sheet

Brad I have emailed you the spec sheet in hopes that it will be of better clarity on your computer at home.If anyone else would like something let me know
Hey Jerry -

I'm pretty sure most of the paint shops around here have scanners and can mix custom for me no problem. What kind of paint did you use for yours? And what primers/clearcoats if any? I'm rather new to painting and don't want to waste a whole bunch of money on the wrong stuff. Thanks in advance.

I used etch primer and its made by a lot of paint suppliers, best to just use a rattle can of it for one chainsaw. It can be purchased in bulk but is expensive and really damages paint guns if not properly cleaned up after use.
For paint I now use Industrial Urethane which is a 3 component mix and once applied I let it sit for at least three days, by then it is quite resistant to gas and solvents, after a couple of weeks it seems to reach its complete cure and is not affected by gas,oil or solvents. It resists abrasion and scratches good also. I painted a 066 I did up a couple of months back and use that saw every chance I get and the paint has shown no wear or scratches yet and it does not get babied,its a real work saw. If you need specifics about the paint I can send you all the names and numbers of the product, it is also posted by me on a thread called Painting Magnesium that was started by fellow member Fat Guy [Nick].
Brian, 110 psi is definitely in the low range. If the cylinder is in good shape, a set of rings might do the trick. Also, why not try a longer screw for the idle stop? If that's all it takes and it idles well then you might be in business. It should idle just below where the clutch engages.

Lawrence, cool ad you posted!

I am positive a slightly longer screw would make it idle. I was thinking I could just drill or mill off a very small amount right where the screw head hits so it can go in another 1/2 turn.

I could search for ring, piston etc in the meantime, that way when it craps out on me later I would be ready for the project!

Thanks for the info, Jerry. Also thanks to Lawrence for emailing that sheet.

I got my parts washer built today. It needs some refinement - like a foot valve so it stays primed - but it works for now. I got this 2071 all washed down with that, and then stripped with the sandblaster using Washing Soda. It's abrasive enough to pull the paint off but won't do any more than polish the aluminum/magnesium of the saw. I left the paint on the bottom cover plate to take to get matched. Oddly enough, that part had the most paint with the best color. Everything else cleaned up pretty well. I'm really needing a blasting cabinet in a bad way though. Maybe I could use the old fish tank I have lying around - I'd have to make a cover for the top with access holes and then lay it over on its side.
Brads 2071

Hello Brad
Glad you liked the stat sheet,hope you were able to blow it up and read it.Man I love that GO GO Girl they used on the front cover of the Pioneer flyer.1970's all the way!Good to see you are going to do a restoration on that puppy.
Thanks for the info, Jerry. Also thanks to Lawrence for emailing that sheet.

I got my parts washer built today. It needs some refinement - like a foot valve so it stays primed - but it works for now. I got this 2071 all washed down with that, and then stripped with the sandblaster using Washing Soda. It's abrasive enough to pull the paint off but won't do any more than polish the aluminum/magnesium of the saw. I left the paint on the bottom cover plate to take to get matched. Oddly enough, that part had the most paint with the best color. Everything else cleaned up pretty well. I'm really needing a blasting cabinet in a bad way though. Maybe I could use the old fish tank I have lying around - I'd have to make a cover for the top with access holes and then lay it over on its side.

With a blasting cabinet you also need an interior light and a source of vacuum to keep the dust down inside the cabinet. If you were using it out doors in bright light it may not need a light but the dust sure builds quickly. An old shop vac can keep the dust down ok. I am using an extraction fan and dryer duct on mine currently and it is adequate but could still use something bigger.Fine glass bead works real nice for a blasting medium and it is easier to clean up from the parts, it does not score the magnesium or rough it up like sand or volcanic black glass. Keep us posted on the paint job and how it turns out.
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I just picked up a pioneer 1200 for free, all it needed was a new gas line, now it runs like its brand new. the paint is scratched all to hell in some spots, but in others it looks like new. have yet to cut anything with it, but soon hopefully. ill post pics in the next day or so.:biggrinbounce2:

Good to hear another Pioneer has been saved from the scrap heap. They don`t need paint to run and work good but it makes them more attractive when they have a nice paint job. There is lots of info in this thread if you go back and read through some of the posts on painting these Pioneer saws. Otherwise just run it and enjoy using one of the best name chainsaws that was made in Canada.
Jerry, would you be able to post a photo of a Pioneer 620 air filter assembly please?, I'm trying to find one but I don't know what they look like.

:camera: gmax
Jerry, would you be able to post a photo of a Pioneer 620 air filter assembly please?, I'm trying to find one but I don't know what they look like.

:camera: gmax

Hi gmax;
For the last month since I had a newer version of Microsoft XP installed on my computer I cannot post picts. It seems that I lost the option to click on the url or the location of the pictures and they won`t transfer over to the AS site. I have tried all of the things that I can think of and cannot find a way to make it work. My picts are in Picasa 3 web albums and before the XP changeover I had the option where I could choose ( copy location ) and shift it to the AS site by clicking the little yellow box there but that won`t work now. Still waiting for an answer on this end on how to get this to work again.
Hi gmax;
For the last month since I had a newer version of Microsoft XP installed on my computer I cannot post picts. It seems that I lost the option to click on the url or the location of the pictures and they won`t transfer over to the AS site. I have tried all of the things that I can think of and cannot find a way to make it work. My picts are in Picasa 3 web albums and before the XP changeover I had the option where I could choose ( copy location ) and shift it to the AS site by clicking the little yellow box there but that won`t work now. Still waiting for an answer on this end on how to get this to work again.

Jerry, A work around is to save the picture to your hard drive,(right click, save image as) rename it, and import it into your post from your hard drive.
If you cant fix this "Picasa " problem you could do this with all your photos.
I use "Photobucket" for hosting photos, no problems yet.
Good luck
Hello Jerry and Gmax

Firstly,Jerry I like gmax use photobucket.It is quite easy even for those that are not so computer savvy like myself.It may seem to be a tad difficult at first but knowing how you are mechanicaly you will make it a breeze.If you like I, or someone else could walk you through it.gmax I have an ipl that I could scan and email to you if you want that for the 620.Not sure but I may even have a picture for it
Jerry, would you be able to post a photo of a Pioneer 620 air filter assembly please?, I'm trying to find one but I don't know what they look like.

:camera: gmax

There is a pic on <a href="|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50">this auction page</a> that may help.
Many thanks Lawrence for the offer of changing over to photobucket,I may have to go that route but still have not decided to call it quits on Picasa as yet. I have 560 picts loaded on there that I really don`t want to lose or have to redo.

Thanks also to cjcocn for posting about the picts for the 120 on eBay, it shows the shape of the airfilter and the top frame of the filter in that pict.
Firstly,Jerry I like gmax use photobucket.It is quite easy even for those that are not so computer savvy like myself.It may seem to be a tad difficult at first but knowing how you are mechanicaly you will make it a breeze.If you like I, or someone else could walk you through it.gmax I have an ipl that I could scan and email to you if you want that for the 620.Not sure but I may even have a picture for it

Lawrence, Thanks for the offer, the link cjcocn provided shows the air filter pretty well,(thanks cjcocn )I should be ok without the IPL.

Jerry, yes moving 560 photos would be a hassle, check your firewall settings in XP, maybe Picaso is being blocked ,

Thanks for all your help guys,
I have got this far on posting pictures again, when I left click on the yellow icon on the AS menu I don`t get the option to paste my url to this post like I did before. My question is why don`t I get the option to paste my url like we used to get, when I did get the paste option all I had to do was left click on it and back space out the http// and then right click on the line space, click on the paste option that came up and the url would be transfered to the appropriate space, left click OK and the url would transfer to the post box and when submit was then clicked the image would be there. Whats different now?
I haven't read your whole problem but I have found in many programs that don't allow the option of copy or paste that you can still highlight the info and type the keyboard combo "ctrl+c" to copy the selection and then "ctrl+v" to paste. I am not sure why but the ctrl c and ctrl v options seem to work more consistently.

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