I did a clearing contract out west one summer and ran one of those. You knew you had did something at the end of the day.Lug one of these around Bob , the 1000 feel light again lol , View attachment 1216629
True AmericanI did a clearing contract out west one summer and ran one of those. You knew you had did something at the end of the day.
The 125’s are fun to run for a little while, but not a all day thing, Rather be holding my 592 ,If you are just bucking or milling, power to weight is not that important. That said, speed and power are always appreciated, so none of my saws are stock.
I try to keep a variety of saws to fit almost any circumstance. My ported 261 with 18" bar is nice and light and great for limbing, and my ported 044/046 hybrid with 28" bar has excellent power to weight and is great for difficult felling jobs.
If you are working far from your vehicle, and/or on a steep slope, and the tree is not 100% and has to be hinged at a certain height, power to weight becomes very important. It also becomes more important as you get older ... like it or not, your strength and endurance will diminish.
Enhanced Lol ,ALL of my saws have either rubber or spring anti vib. I will not work with a saw w/o it. I don't need to have spring AV, but I need AV!
All of my saws, including the 660s are either ported or "improved", and run very well. One of my Cross 660 cylinders has been fully ported, another is stock but has a base gasket delete, timing advance and muffler mod and it also runs very strong.
On my bucket list brother believe me! This 084 isn't exactly light either!Lug one of these around Bob , the 1000 feel light again lol , View attachment 1216629
Got that right,On my bucket list brother believe me! This 084 isn't exactly light either!
And old farm wells up on hills.And next week (after we absorb this week's lesson) we can learn about capillary action, and why there are so many lakes near the top of Mountains!
Yes the 550xp smokes the 346xp. Yes it is heavier. I also had a 562xp 2nd gen. Weight wise I though it was closer to the weight of my 372xp OE. I ended up selling it. Now I have the 550xp 2nd gen, my 372xp OE and a really nice 394xp.Nice saw, so what are they all about.
Good thing you got those big ole dual dogs.
A late model "first gen" 550 smokes a 346, and your "second gen" does too, unfortunately they added so much weight to it you may as well grab a 60cc saw, then you're so close to a 462 you may as well...
Thanx for sharing the pics.. Me like um heep big scrounge too. I will still add to my scrounge periodically, but with much less hustle..View attachment 1216792
This years scrounge with the 365SP
Theres two rows 36'x4'x16" sugar maple and the remaining to be cut is white birch black and white ash more sugar maple and a bit of ironwood.
Hoping for 13 face cord when I'm done which would get me a good start for 2026-2027 after I restock the shed next fall
Feels good to be 2 years ahead and have well seasoned firewood
Welcome to the scrounging thread buddy! Nice looking stack, but be prepared, many of the guys who frequent this thread scoff at the face cord system faster than the metric system.View attachment 1216792
This years scrounge with the 365SP
Theres two rows 36'x4'x16" sugar maple and the remaining to be cut is white birch black and white ash more sugar maple and a bit of ironwood.
Hoping for 13 face cord when I'm done which would get me a good start for 2026-2027 after I restock the shed next fall
Feels good to be 2 years ahead and have well seasoned firewood
Havent been on the scrounge thread for awhile nowWelcome to the scrounging thread buddy! Nice looking stack, but be prepared, many of the guys who frequent this thread scoff at the face cord system faster than the metric system.