Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Enjoy, we really like the snow.....LOL

I expect you'll see colder air too.... in 24 hrs or so.......they're saying coldest air so far this season here tonight 5-15 below along the Down East Coast....15-25 below across Northern Maine.....

West wind 15-25 mph today with gusts to 45 mph with a few higher gusts.........that'll make for some serious wind thrill factors.......
Yep 16 'Merican now.........wind screechin........Hoss is shut in with extra straw bedding.....and a bale of hay....wood stoves are both cleaned of ashes and loping along happily on Jonsereds cut rock maple and birch............239 gals of fuel oil delivered here today.....ready to back up the stoves if necessary.....wind thrill forecast -35 tonight.........-29 for the daytime tomorrow and lower tomorrow night......but you know....that's just wind thrill...

Shop was 73 degrees 'Merican with the Free Flow chugging away crammed full of fully seasoned red bark...

Lost power on the jobsite this gen failed to done a little early.....'lectrican was fussing with it as I drove off.....
Temp sliding downward steadily, see a few snow flurries falling, been below freezing since noon and dropping to -15 - 17 C overnight.
Hey Jerry !!!!
I figured out how John can work on them Hyjuskavanias ,,,, Itself all about the kotten kandy lol

He would be so much better off if he left those orange turds alone.
The little 021/23/25 ain't bad when you realize the top cover comes off for anything and you accept the rubber mounts for it blow. Then just figure out setting the oil pumps and you are golden!

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