Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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I just realized it's 2015.

Huh. I would seem obvious because of New Year's and everything. ....

Well anyways. you were.
Years ago it was the law here that if the temp hit 100F outside workers could go home... How do you blokes work outside in those temps? depends on the type of work......building a house or say putting a clutch in a truck outside can be pretty brutal.......doable.....but brutal at zero degree F........but running a saw felling, limbing and yarding at zero is quite enjoyable ...ground is bugs....and you're working hard enough to stay warm......
Years ago it was the law here that if the temp hit 100F outside workers could go home... How do you blokes work outside in those temps?
I worked in a steel mill 24 years , summer time it was always over 100 in a lot of places in there . When we had to work in between the furnaces , it would be 130 - 140 in there . Take breaks and drink lots of water ! When it got up to or over 90 outside they would give us gatorade and stuff like that to drink . No way they would stop running ! Even had a bomb threat once , wouldn't let us leave the machines !! We raised a lot of hell about that one , didn't do any good ! AK Steel is some serious a-holes to work for !!