whadja do today?

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Sold work today... I'm a happy camper... Nice when it comes easy because it's not always like that. Three jobs within a mile of me and another one within two miles. :)[/QUOTE

So, Say some nice stuff about us guy's! You are in a good mood so say it! Ha, good for you, man.
Jeff ;)

I'll be in a good mood when the checks clear the bank... ;)

We had another storm blow through yesterday. Have to take a large limb off a house literally a quarter mile up the road. Got another small tree (Bradford pear) that half of it broke out and has access to the front door blocked. Complete removal, grind stump. 3/4 mile up the road. One of my other jobs in the area is repeat business and the other is a referral... I have been working this neighborhood to death...
Getting Old is a Sonofa Beech...

lol why did you twist your ankle? Oh I see you jumped welcome to getting older club lol I used to hop out and in like a rabbit. Last time I hopped muh balls hurt ten minutes after. Rope don't jump no more lol!

I pinched the nerves in my lower back putting new wheels and tires on my trailer. I was in agony all weekend long and shifted my work schedule back to the end of the week because of it. That's why I made the drive to get the ramps today, to give my aching back a break, but even sitting in the car caused it to lock up on me, and every time I got out of the car it was more agony until I walked around (with my cane) for awhile.

Getting old is a #####, especially if you've abused your body with decades of hard work (and play).
lol why did you twist your ankle? Oh I see you jumped welcome to getting older club lol I used to hop out and in like a rabbit. Last time I hopped muh balls hurt ten minutes after. Rope don't jump no more lol!

It was a pick up truck. I didnt even jump. Dam boot heel caught the edge of the drive just right. I here ya on the balls thing.Did something dum a month or so back, got reminded that Im not so young anymore. Pretty sure my stage diving days are over!!!LOL
Anyone out in California

Hey Jeff or Beastmaster, got a call for a tree on a house from a lady named Martha @909-709-9133, called her back asked where she was. She is in California! She googled tree services and got mine when she put in CA thinking she was just googling California tree services and got me in Canada, it's an insurance job, they just told her to call a legitimate business. Not sure what city she is in, but you guys should give her a call!
I am going to put a fresh loop of chain on my 460, fire it up and stick it in the dirt before I cut anything. Why? Because all I did today was cut into trees with metal or rock in them and dulled every last bit of chain. I am getting really good at sharpening. Swamped with work, buddies swamped with work, and loving every minute of it!
We ground one stump yesterday, ALL DAMN DAY. Big, massive, monstrous maple. Soon as we started, realized there was an epic amount of MASSIVE roots right under the turf, man oh man. If a tactical satellite sees it, they are going to think it was a meteor! 10' dia, total. I hate stumps right now! Took in in the shorts too, not to bad, but was not planning on camping out there all day. Could not have brought in a big stumper, so it was done with a Vermeer 352. Had I had a big one, probably would not have been a big deal.

Almost 500 TV!, sure that has never happened before!
Went in the morning and hit this job I've been putting off for a while, bunch of fruit tree pruning, some vines, and clearing out some norway maples that got into a patch of lilac. Just about done there, gonna go back with some moron to clear a bunch of vines out of a fence row. Picked up a nice job next to a couple others I have lined up. After lunch we went 2 houses down the road and took down a red maple and an ash. Back into the driveway, look at the trees while my guy is gassing up the saws. See the client's daughter on the back deck getting some sun. My guy sees it and says "keep your eyes on the tree, don't look down... I want to finish today."
The stump we ground the other day took a whole load of top soil. I used my f-350 dump truck and it took every bit of it! Then more stumps.......bla
The stump we ground the other day took a whole load of top soil. I used my f-350 dump truck and it took every bit of it! Then more stumps.......bla

Lol screen I ground fifteen yesterday and each one was three times bigger than any f 350 lol. I loaded a root ball today that fully loaded a kenworth dump truck!

I think it is easier for me to grind the blow overs than pop em out with dozer and load and haul so I guess its more covered in dirt tomorrow lol. Looks like Monday we will finish the big job over ninty trees cut@ hauled and we started Tuesday only working til 2 pm as its 113 heat index by then!

Did you notice Ricky Scaggs playing steel guitar in that one? Ha, haven't heard him in forever. Great tune!

Been working my ass off... Can barely hold my eyes open. Been hitting them hard since Tues. Did three huge oaks today. When I say huge 2 were 6' DBH and one was 5', no exaggeration. deadwooded all three of them and had to take two large, storm damaged limbs out of the biggest one. All rope climbing, had to hit three TIPs per tree to get to everything. Been awhile since I have had to climb that much on a prune job. This old climber is sore and tired. Was supposed to go out tonight but I said F it. I got to work in the morning.

Best thing about the job I did today is I was in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in town and everyone that drove by saw me walking a rope up those big ass trees... And the finished product. The HO was very pleased. He's a self employed business owner and wants me to stop by his office one day next week and do a large removal there. :)
Did you notice Ricky Scaggs playing steel guitar in that one? Ha, haven't heard him in forever. Great tune!

Been working my ass off... Can barely hold my eyes open. Been hitting them hard since Tues. Did three huge oaks today. When I say huge 2 were 6' DBH and one was 5', no exaggeration. deadwooded all three of them and had to take two large, storm damaged limbs out of the biggest one. All rope climbing, had to hit three TIPs per tree to get to everything. Been awhile since I have had to climb that much on a prune job. This old climber is sore and tired. Was supposed to go out tonight but I said F it. I got to work in the morning.

Best thing about the job I did today is I was in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in town and everyone that drove by saw me walking a rope up those big ass trees... And the finished product. The HO was very pleased. He's a self employed business owner and wants me to stop by his office one day next week and do a large removal there. :)

So bud you an Alabamy resident yet lol
So bud you an Alabamy resident yet lol

I'll tell ya rope, it's looking like it's heading in that direction. I am trying to put people on hold back home and see if they'll wait for me to come back but I am just doing too much work here to leave. I'll definitely be back in OK by October. I've already paid for a deer lease there and have a couple of bucks I have been chasing for a few years running around in there. Still, I'll be coming back here to work as long as it's here...
My gun club asked me to trim some gum limbs up n over a shed roof, twas going to be n easy task till they put the solar panel up before I sorted the shading limbs. Dang had to use some tricks and wee bit o luck, but all went well. Ma new No1 ruger shoots well even with ma heart rate high after the climb n cut job.
I ground 3 stumps, made the payment on my grinder, bid 3 jobs for tomorrow and got 2 immediately, then ground a huge fallen over stump. Decent day. Better week!
Yup I know but them deer are puny :laugh:

I am told, OFTEN! That we have the biggest deer in the world here in eastern Iowa.Guy across the street from me owns big gun store, he always tellin me about massive bucks that his customers have bagged.
I am no hunter, but that beeeyach in the back yard is going to turn into jerky soon if she doesn't quit leading her youngins to my garden! THEY KEEP GETTING AT THE BEANS, and yall know how i feel about my greenbeans!

Picked my first one yesterday!
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