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Best ALL time firewood saw

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For the sheer numbers, amount of wood cut and durability? Homelite XL12 hands down.

I'll second that motion. Those saws were out there long before Stihl and Husky ever hit the states. Plus back then there were far more people heating with wood. I would say the Mac 10 10 series of saws would be in the same category.
Happy Turkey DAY AS!. As I heard the news the 440 and 460 have been discontinued, I made mention of the 440 ranking right up there with the 372 as one of the best all time firewood saws. With that said, What is the best all time (ONE ONLY) firewood saw. Basically if you didn't have a need to have 15 saws, just one, what would it be?

My Favorite was the 440 for a long time, but a modded original 372xp took that thought away....

My 2071 didnt make the cut!!!:hmm3grin2orange:
What mods on that there 372xp???
Agree with Scoot,

These boxed in polls never show the true historic value.

The XL-12 AND Mac 10-10 were not only doing it 40 years ago, they still get it done pretty well today!

70+cc "firewood saws", the every day Joe doesn't use 70+cc to cut the majority of the time.
My Favorite was the 440 for a long time, but a modded original 372xp took that thought away....


That looks like an XT to me. I'm gonna' vote 346 on your list, but for me the real answer is:


Terry beat me to it, but there should have been an entry for the 028. I would venture to say that the 028 and its variants have harvested more true firewood than all the others combined.

thats a nice lookin 028. the very first saw that i spent my hard earned timber dollars to buy was an 028av wood boss. every body thought i had the hottest saw around when i would head into the woods with that purty little 028.
Terry beat me to it, but there should have been an entry for the 028. I would venture to say that the 028 and its variants have harvested more true firewood than all the others combined.


I think I must be the only guy on earth that hated my 028's. Had two of 'em and really never liked them at all. I cut a LOT more wood with my trusty old 031AV.
I have several of the chainsaws on the list but I have a lot of Husqvarna 362SP, 365SP, & 372XP chainsaws so you you know what I voted for.

I liked my 026, 6000, 7900, & 066 that I've had also.





Every saw on the list is a worthy candidate, but like a few guys are pointing out, there's plenty more that could be nominated. That list could easily be 5 times longer than it is.

But firewood saw means different things to different people. Firewood all looks the same when it's cut and split, but we don't all have the same starting point. If cutting on a log pile then any of the 70cc saws are probably the way to go. But walking through the woods and doing some limbing would change the parameters a bit.

So, I'm gonna need to do a "write in" vote to answer the question of what one saw I would choose as a "do everything" firewood saw: Gotta be the 562XP. Light enough limb with and carry around all day, and plenty of power for anything I'd be cutting for firewood. And smooth as silk to boot!

Happy Thanksgivng guys! Hope all of you have a great day. :msp_thumbup:
Sorry guys, the poll only allowed 10 choices... I thought the die hard husky guys wanted the 372 and Xtorque seperate. I have one of each and am starting to really like that XT alot.

There are a ton of good saws that should be on the list, the 028, the 031, the Husky 50/51/55 series that ran for what 25years? What about the legendary 262xp? prolly more firewood people bought the 261 as the xp was alot of money in its day. Yes the XL's, and the XXV's need to be on there too.

I grew up running a 70cc saw as an only firewood saw, when I was 18 bought two 65cc 365's huskys with 18" bars. I worked for a tree service in my hometown and the boss bought new saws every year as a tax writeoff. The deal was i had to buy both for 450 bucks. I only wanted one.. lol I didn't know a 50cc saw could be a good saw until finding this place. Maybe I'm not the norm, but I was taught at an early age to buy quality tools once and to take care of them. I still have that one 365 abiet it is a ported 372 now. the other one got sold so i could pick up a super low hour 2012 372xp. between those two saws, I don't NEED anything else.

My uncle and grandfather ran 046's with 20" bars as thier firewood saws. I like my husky better at the age when I was cutting with them a bunch. Most of the saws in the area were either the throw away cheap 40cc saws or 046's. I was the oddball with hus-k varn-y saws..
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Expensive to maintain? Hardly. The tips are a TON more durable than any powermatch bar. Dressing the rails on oregon bars in a daily chore.. Not with the German made ES bars...I should have said the best readily available bar for the money. I"ve been Running Total Super bars (tsumara) for about 10 years. That in my opinion is the best bar hands down, but the prices of late are more than the rest.. not the deal they once were.

'Stang....you must have missed the sarcasm intended in my post. My post was purely intended to raise the awareness of the " Stihl bashers" who will find the slightest of hallucinationed weaknesses in any product marked Stihl.

Oh and my vote will go for the 660. IMO the toughest baddest mofo made....if you are man enough to carry it to the tree it will turn it into firewood by its mere presence. And it's dirt simple to maintain. Really few known recurring service issues.
I liked that a few on here brought up the 028. An 028 goes out on every firewood campaign I have. It's not the lightest or the fastest...it just works!:rock:
Guess it depends on your statue.

Some dudes could sling a 125SP around all day, while others get tired wielding a 170.

"Different strokes for different folks"
I would think the poulan 245a when it came out. The first guy who took one to the woods musta had to sit down and pinch himself.
All the saws listed are great candidates to the best modern logging saws, but only people who are members here actually cut firewood with them, last time I asked the forest service guys what everyone else uses to cut firewood the popular choice would be a box store Poulan or Craftsman of some sort and on occasion a ms290. As for all time, Homelite and McCulloch were tops along with the 031 and 032 Stihls, the grave yard of old firewood saw does not lie. My lineup includes: Stihls 056MagII, 066, 441, 260. Husky 2100. McCulloch CP70, SP81. Poulan 8500. Echo CS400.
Chainsaws have been an available commodity for the average firewood cutter for the past 50 years or so, prior to that they were too expensive and unwieldy for the "Average Joe" firewood cutter. This has to be eyed through history, while today a small portion of the population heats with wood, go back in time and virtually everyone did.

Lots of wood got cut with implements like these before a chain saw was ever dreamed of:




The poll choices are simply a matter of personal taste and what the OP knows.