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Best ALL time firewood saw

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All the saws listed are great candidates to the best modern logging saws, but only people who are members here actually cut firewood with them, last time I asked the forest service guys what everyone else uses to cut firewood the popular choice would be a box store Poulan or Craftsman of some sort and on occasion a ms290. As for all time, Homelite and McCulloch were tops along with the 031 and 032 Stihls, the grave yard of old firewood saw does not lie. My lineup includes: Stihls 056MagII, 066, 441, 260. Husky 2100. McCulloch CP70, SP81. Poulan 8500. Echo CS400.
Agreed HJ! The graveyard does not lie, my dad had a super XL, a PM10-10 and even a monkey wards branded homelite. I vote for the 10 series Macs!
I cast mine on the Ms440. I do like the 372's I have used but the handle angle is wrong. I have some issues with my left wrist and the Huskys hurt more after a while.
Hooray 372!! :laugh:


If I were to have just a one saw plan, it would be a 372. I'm sure they has been a lot more firewood cut with 026s, 028s, 55s, 455 Ranchers, wildthingys, and other box store Poulans than 372s though....atleast in my area.
All Time..Covers a lot of saws! :msp_ohmy: There wasn't a "other" option, so I didn't vote. I used nothing but this Poulan 3400 for 22 years, heating this old farm house. Until I found Arboristsite, I didn't know I was doing it wrong. ;) Have since used quite a few others. But the 3400 never once let me down in all the years I used it cutting 7-8 cords a year with it.


Yep! I just went out and used mine and cut up this load, mixed walnut/dogwood/poplar/sweet gum deadfall branches. I think of the 3400 as old reliable.

Echo cs 600p

Echo CS-60S would be my first pick :hmm3grin2orange: I guess it was back in '79...Bob

Echo is the saw i like the most out of them all! Starteasilyly runs good and is long lasting easy to maintain, and can handle a 24" bar easy lots of power straight forward engineering and all Echo saws are pro grade non of the guess the magic number for consumer grade or pro grade for lots more $ like other saw makers play that game.
I voted for the 440 only because the 028 Wood Boss wasn't listed. I would hate to think how many cord ours has cut in the last 32 or 33 years, it would be scary, it has provided my late father, father-in-law and us and many others countless fires. I used it to help pay my way through college selling wood. Today it still comes out of semi-retirement to help cut wood to sell. It is in fantastic shape cosmetically and mechanically, did change out a chipped handle, just so it would look better, other than that all it has cost me over the years is a couple bars, lots of chain and a couple spark plugs and a couple air filters. It has paid for itself 500 times over.
In our wood business in the last four years hands down the MS361 has cut more wood than any of our other saws, but that has rapidly changed in the last year and a half with the purchase of the 261's. As far as I'm concerned the 261 is todays generation 028, with major improvements, they have become our go to firewood saw for most of our cutting.
If I were a young buck in my early twenties and thirties I'd be using a 440 most likely if I weren't in tops most of the time. More power than the 361 with just a little more weight and the power to handle a 28" bar easily if needed, although I'd prolly set it up for every day use with a 18" like we have our old 044, with a 8 pin. I do love the ported 460 though, hard to beat bucking the large stuff with it.
All on the poll out good choices, in our country, more 50cc saws are cutting wood than any other cc range, gobs of ole 028's and 031's still getting it day in and day out.
I voted for the 346xp, because I would want something easy to work with all day since splitting and moving rounds by hand would also be part of the deal for me.

An original 026 would be sweet as well.

I agree. Any true firewood cutter would be more than happy with a good 346, anything more is simply not needed the vast majority of the time. Look at it from a non AS perspective, when you can do that you realize most get by with far less than a $800 70+ cc saw. It's honestly crazy to think the average Joe that blocks 5/10 cord a year needs a $600 saw let alone $800 IMHO.
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I agree. Any true firewood cutter would be more than happy with a good 346, anything more is simply not needed the vast majority of the time. Look at it from a non AS perspective, when you can do that you realize most get by with far less than a $800 70+ cc saw. It's honestly crazy to think the average Joe that blocks 5/10 cord a year needs a $600 saw let alone $800 IMHO.

One of the reasons the 346xp is not so popular around here.
Happy Turkey DAY AS!. As I heard the news the 440 and 460 have been discontinued, I made mention of the 440 ranking right up there with the 372 as one of the best all time firewood saws. With that said, What is the best all time (ONE ONLY) firewood saw. Basically if you didn't have a need to have 15 saws, just one, what would it be?

My Favorite was the 440 for a long time, but a modded original 372xp took that thought away....


ooh saw troll ain't gunna be happy with you not with that bar :angry3:

I about had a cow when I seen the guide bar. Frankenstang has got some class. I'll sit and watch the true all time champ, the 044/440 take a two to one beating in this poll simply because the guys fueling it are voting for another 70 cc class saw. It is the only class of saw that will do everything you need in the firewood biz. I've took out many 60" plus oaks with a 70 cc chainsaw. Thanks for the poll.
This is of course impossible to answer, and there are a lot of different firewood logs around, and it will very a lot which work is included in "firewood cutting".....:msp_biggrin:
I agree. Any true firewood cutter would be more than happy with a good 346, anything more is simply not needed the vast majority of the time. Look at it from a non AS perspective, when you can do that you realize most get by with far less than a $800 70+ cc saw. It's honestly crazy to think the average Joe that blocks 5/10 cord a year needs a $600 saw let alone $800 IMHO.

I guess it varies a lot how "need" is defined by people. :laugh::laugh:
The 346 has been my most handy firewood saw. I work in the woods collecting firewood. Most of it is under 16 inches. It is light to tote around side hills and cuts at a resonable rate. Plus the 346 is a dead on reliable performer. The 346 has more firewood under its belt than any other saw I have. It is followed closley by the 361 when the wood gets bigger. For bigger stuff yet the 385 and 066 come into effect. The 346 in my circumstances is the clear winner
Dunno fo' sure,

I do know which is my favorite,

And it's a 70cc class saw (i'll spot the other 2 3cc)