About $100 to $150 more than a 261 and over $200 more than my 5105.
That's to rich for my blood!
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About $100 to $150 more than a 261 and over $200 more than my 5105.
This is of course impossible to answer, and there are a lot of different firewood logs around, and it will very a lot which work is included in "firewood cutting".....:msp_biggrin:
Dunno fo' sure,
I do know which is my favorite,
And it's a 70cc class saw (i'll spot the other 2 3cc)
Sorry guys, the poll only allowed 10 choices... I thought the die hard husky guys wanted the 372 and Xtorque seperate. I have one of each and am starting to really like that XT alot.
There are a ton of good saws that should be on the list, the 028, the 031, the Husky 50/51/55 series that ran for what 25years? What about the legendary 262xp? prolly more firewood people bought the 261 as the xp was alot of money in its day. Yes the XL's, and the XXV's need to be on there too.
I grew up running a 70cc saw as an only firewood saw, when I was 18 bought two 65cc 365's huskys with 18" bars. I worked for a tree service in my hometown and the boss bought new saws every year as a tax writeoff. The deal was i had to buy both for 450 bucks. I only wanted one.. lol I didn't know a 50cc saw could be a good saw until finding this place. Maybe I'm not the norm, but I was taught at an early age to buy quality tools once and to take care of them. I still have that one 365 abiet it is a ported 372 now. the other one got sold so i could pick up a super low hour 2012 372xp. between those two saws, I don't NEED anything else.
My uncle and grandfather ran 046's with 20" bars as thier firewood saws. I like my husky better at the age when I was cutting with them a bunch. Most of the saws in the area were either the throw away cheap 40cc saws or 046's. I was the oddball with hus-k varn-y saws..
Let me know if you ever need a cpl bars. I can get a b/c combo new es 3/8 .050 20" 25" 28" for less than $100 for sure.
I about had a cow when I seen the guide bar. Frankenstang has got some class. I'll sit and watch the true all time champ, the 044/440 take a two to one beating in this poll simply because the guys fueling it are voting for another 70 cc class saw. It is the only class of saw that will do everything you need in the firewood biz. I've took out many 60" plus oaks with a 70 cc chainsaw. Thanks for the poll.
This is of course impossible to answer, and there are a lot of different firewood logs around, and it will very a lot which work is included in "firewood cutting".....:msp_biggrin:
yes sawtroll you are correct around here a 70cc with a 20" and around 90cc with a 24" is just enough
Yep! I just went out and used mine and cut up this load, mixed walnut/dogwood/poplar/sweet gum deadfall branches. I think of the 3400 as old reliable.
yes sawtroll you are correct around here a 70cc with a 20" and around 90cc with a 24" is just enough
around here too
About $100 to $150 more than a 261 and over $200 more than my 5105.