Bsmith717, You have some confusion, hope this helps: 050/058 is related to the guide bar GAUGE= Bar GROOVE/ Chain DRIVE LINK thickness, whereas KERF is in the WOOD, and related to width of the Cutter/s. To confuse, or hopefully Clarify, NARROW KERF chain, I believe comes ONLY in 0.325 drive PITCH? If the Kerf start to get too narrow, the BAR/ LIN AND PINS start to drag in the wood, cause drag, heat and crooked cut issues... this is, as example, an issue of concern when some try to use a 3/8-LP chain on a regular 3/8 bar.
TIP: If MILLING, the KERF of the 3/8WP (Woodland Pro/ Carlton) RIPPING Chain is very close to 1/4" KERF that many used to brag on for the LP chain.