661 Oil Test 32:1 vs 40:1 vs 50:1 ?

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Over 8000 clients in 6 states. International import/export business and food service. All before the internet so good luck with your internet searches. You remind me of Obama, without a screen you have a very shallow experience level. But that's fine, just don't step into where the big dogs run.
I've got Shanghai at 4am in the morning. Need to study some and rest.

Bwalker, show results of YOUR testing and experiences, not just the internet or others experiences and it will bring validity to your statements, otherwise I enjoy challenging you or even wagering with you off site if you want. Bring your mortgage :)
Over 8000 clients in 6 states. International import/export business and food service. All before the internet so good luck with your internet searches. You remind me of Obama, without a screen you have a very shallow experience level. But that's fine, just don't step into where the big dogs run.
I have no desire to verify your claims.. and I don't have a mortgage
Using a test ment for gear oil to show their two cycle oil was superior to competitiors. Listing standards in their marketing that they have not been certified to, but inferring they are. For starters.
you fears about deception are unfounded, the three or fourball testing covers many other parameters in oils, including wear & co efficient of friction values, 2 stroke engines have ball & roller bearings in them so its relevant. ref lubricant properties analysis & testing. Technip Paris
I've got Shanghai at 4am in the morning. Need to study some and rest.

Bwalker, show results of YOUR testing and experiences, not just the internet or others experiences and it will bring validity to your statements, otherwise I enjoy challenging you or even wagering with you off site if you want. Bring your mortgage :)
an old chinese proverb goes " if you want to run with the big dogs you have to learn to pi** on big trees
I work on saws everyday not gillion dollar car motors, and those saws i work on everyday are very seldom ever there to b worked on because of what oil was mixed in the gas or at wich ratio. U guys must b in a higher class of chainsaw user cause around here oil is the least of are problems, never cleaning the airfilter will get a stihl long before 50:1 will.

boat oil can't be all bad! ported 880 at 12k 72" bar full comp 404 chain :) boat oil motor cycle oil neither designed around a chainsaw :)
As far as running, they will run on any oil, but long term deposits and wear are what I question.

I have seen pictures of the skirts of pistons, plus seen on my own from OPE that was run on TCW-3 oils ............. horrible !!
They all ran, yes ........... but there were lots of burnt crud in the rings and the skirts after the season was over and the machines were looked at.

I have seen more stuck rings from OPE that was run on TCW-3 oil in customers equipment than from anything else in my 40 years of working on this stuff.

I have seen TCW-3 oil clog up exhaust ports on lower RPM OPE as well as clog up ring lands and burn the skirts.

I have yet to see any OPE with clogged ring lands that was run on "air cooled" 2 cycle oils.

To me, if I am going to fork over any of my hard earned money for 2 cycle oil, its going to be used for purchasing something that wont throw me 2 steps backwards.

I look forward to seeing this 088 after you have a few dozen tanks through it ............. specifically, I would love to see pictures of inside the muffler looking at the ring lands and piston skirt through the exhaust port
If it's like any stihl I know it will eat the intake skirt off from poor filtration
you fears about deception are unfounded, the three or fourball testing covers many other parameters in oils, including wear & co efficient of friction values, 2 stroke engines have ball & roller bearings in them so its relevant. ref lubricant properties analysis & testing. Technip Paris
The test in question are not industry accepted standards for testing two cycle oil. In fact when people started to bring this up the "tests" were removed.
The falex test measures EP properties, which isn't remotely relevant to a two cycle.
IMHO, Amsoil makes fantastic lubricants, some of the very best. I have used their oils, studied VOAs and UOAs, and even had a UOA done on 10W-30 with 10,000 miles on it and was still good to go. I have no reason to doubt the quality of their products. I hate their marketing as well, but that has nothing to do with their product quality.

Ditto. I have been using Amsoil in my cars and trucks for several years with outstanding results. I have never seen such wide swings in opinions, love or hate. I can't help but wonder if the extreme negatives are based on failures with the 100:1 or 80:1 usage. If Amsoil threw out that verbage and stated something more sensible and still competitive like 50:1 would they have a much better reputation? I'm guessing they would. It would be interesting to hear porsche965's friend give his testimonial.

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