Don, I don't care if you can spell or not but your old avatar was much more attractive than the new one. Mike
Don, I don't care if you can spell or not but your old avatar was much more attractive than the new one. Mike
Don, I don't care if you can spell or not but your old avatar was much more attractive than the new one. Mike
Much but-rrrr
That was a large ash tree on the other side of the block, project from last summer.
As I was finishing the cut through the log I could feel it starting to bind so WOT and pull it out in a hurry...
Dangerous things those big geardrives. Hey Mark, come on out to the next GTG, I'll show you how to buck the bind without being chased by your saw or using wedges. Never think that I really believe that wedge use is silly for bucking, for most sawyers there is little alternative. I was taught not to use them for bucking, the type of training I had was not common, even back then.
Explain please. I hate to use wedges, but I do it now and then in the bid stuff. I got a saw stuck one time and had a hell of a time getting it out. Finally used an old black powder splitter on the other side and blew it out. Didn't hurt a thing, unless you count the tree. JR
Explain please. I hate to use wedges, but I do it now and then in the bid stuff. I got a saw stuck one time and had a hell of a time getting it out. Finally used an old black powder splitter on the other side and blew it out. Didn't hurt a thing, unless you count the tree. JR
Sorry, it almost has to be shown, as in you do it, I throw rocks. I don't have much typing left in my fingers right now, the magic is on a break.
maybe up in the F&L forum we can discuss bucking in detail. There are many forms of tension in logs, not just up/down.
If nobody else is interested I definitely am.
maybe up in the F&L forum we can discuss bucking in detail. There are many forms of tension in logs, not just up/down.
If nobody else is interested I definitely am.